Pedigree of 1.4K Amazing Racer
Horse | Parents | Grand-Parents | Great Grand-Parents |
Great-Great Grand-Parents |
1.4K Amazing Racer Thoroughbred |
♦ Shattered Thoroughbred |
♦ Guilford Thoroughbred |
The Seer Thoroughbred |
Cosmic Seer Thoroughbred |
The New Black Thoroughbred |
♦ Greensboro Thoroughbred |
¹ Manhattan Thoroughbred |
¹ Carolina Thoroughbred |
♦ Ursula Thoroughbred |
♦ Corr II Thoroughbred |
22 )O( Celer Thoroughbred |
♦ Kaelpie Thoroughbred |
♦ General's Rebirth Thoroughbred |
🏇 The General (SW... Thoroughbred |
♦ Summer's Rebirth Thoroughbred |
*STS*Tint Thoroughbred |
♦ Leons Fire Thoroughbred |
♦ Leons Azurlite Thoroughbred |
♦ Factrolite Thoroughbred |
♦ Leons Storm Thoroughbred |
♦ Hero's Fire Thoroughbred |
♦ Firefly Thoroughbred |
♦ Hero's Lackluster Thoroughbred |
Black Velvet (Racing)* Thoroughbred |
! Stunky [DZ] Thoroughbred |
♦ Hero's Awakening Thoroughbred |
[P/1] Black Widow Thoroughbred |
STBU Hermes Redexal !! Thoroughbred |
Hubalajad (63.94) Thoroughbred |
☼︎ ⁶ Hermes My... Thoroughbred |