Pedigree of New Foal 64
Horse | Parents | Grand-Parents | Great Grand-Parents |
Great-Great Grand-Parents |
New Foal 64 Appaloosa |
54 Somber Micro Beauty Appaloosa |
W Royal Beauty 87.54 Appaloosa |
Royal Kid (86)® Appaloosa |
Royal Rookie (87) Appaloosa |
Maximum Kid (83)® Appaloosa |
Love and Beauty (87)® Appaloosa |
War of Beauty {81.31} Appaloosa |
Rookies Dun Love (89) Appaloosa |
32 Somber Micro Cruiser Appaloosa |
57 Somber Somer Appaloosa |
🐆MidsomerDun Appaloosa |
◦°˚WE|48 Somber ... Appaloosa |
9 eoe 74.78 EeAACrDDLL Appaloosa |
12 eee 73.14 EEAACrDL Appaloosa |
5 eeo 73.70 eeAADLL m1 Appaloosa |
78 Sybil Star Joker Appaloosa |
64 Star Joker Appaloosa |
W Star Rookie 87.13 Appaloosa |
W War Time Rookie 85.80 Appaloosa |
W Supreme Rookie l 8... Appaloosa |
PBH Lemonade Joker 62 Appaloosa |
CNS On The Rocks 75 Appaloosa |
⊻ Dun Caught In A ... Appaloosa |
94 Sybil Backward Appaloosa |
Midsummer Temptation Appaloosa |
🐆MidsomerDun Appaloosa |
𝔇 | Backward Temp... Appaloosa |
🐆Sybil Appaloosa |
🐆KingLeopard Appaloosa |
🐆GoldCrown Appaloosa |