Pedigree of New Foal
Horse | Parents | Grand-Parents | Great Grand-Parents |
Great-Great Grand-Parents |
New Foal Andalusian |
𝓢 Chai Latté Andalusian |
Wotan | 96.58 Andalusian |
Grey War Andalusian |
Greylock Andalusian |
Sun of War Andalusian |
Curse of the Celts Andalusian |
Cursed Cross Andalusian |
Queen of the Celts Andalusian |
Cerridwen | 96.42 Andalusian |
Warlock Andalusian |
Lord of War Andalusian |
Arcane Fire Andalusian |
Silence in Death Andalusian |
Lord of the Underworld Andalusian |
Whispers of War Andalusian |
D [94.89/28.28.24] Andalusian |
D [97/34.30.24] Andalusian |
*Serenity Isle+ [96.74] Andalusian |
Arie’s Namaste Mohito Andalusian |
☮Isle of Blood Andalusian |
⚡Aoide's Silver [9... Andalusian |
*Aoide's Caelius 97.50 Andalusian |
Known Silver 98.23 Andalusian |
D [96.61/26.29.24] Andalusian |
*European Sunrise [9... Andalusian |
]-[ Gallinero [98.69... Andalusian |
]-[ Calesera-2 [98.4... Andalusian |
⚡ Little Rose [98] Andalusian |
Outlaw Andalusian |
Amber Rose 98.01 Andalusian |