Pedigree of New Foal
Horse | Parents | Grand-Parents | Great Grand-Parents |
Great-Great Grand-Parents |
New Foal Quarter Horse |
Sperr Me A Zip 71.87 Quarter Horse |
Zipper Quarter Horse |
Foundation | Foundation |
Foundation | ||||
Foundation | Foundation | |||
Foundation | ||||
Sperry (82.50) Quarter Horse |
Superman Quarter Horse |
WÆ}Smokey Liquid Quarter Horse |
Cutie Pie Quarter Horse |
gelding Quarter Horse |
[R] Shady's Serpent ... Quarter Horse |
|Morntin|87.18| Quarter Horse |
Sierra 96.71 Quarter Horse |
{99.13} Quarter Horse |
~T~ I’m the Man {9... Quarter Horse |
Fan of Nothing || 98 Quarter Horse |
5/8 CH 97.92 Quarter Horse |
» Stormfly {W} Quarter Horse |
◦°˚WE|74 Seashell Quarter Horse |
~T~ Surfin Sherman {... Quarter Horse |
{97.70} Quarter Horse |
8/8 CH | Norton | 98.79 Quarter Horse |
1030. Spiked Heart 9... Quarter Horse |
6/8 CH | Portia | 97.91 Quarter Horse |
{97.16} Quarter Horse |
~T~ Salted Perfectly... Quarter Horse |
New Foal Quarter Horse |