Pedigree of 𝔘 | Bright Star | W
Horse | Parents | Grand-Parents | Great Grand-Parents |
Great-Great Grand-Parents |
𝔘 | Bright Star | W Quarter Horse |
𝔘 | Bright River | Quarter Horse |
Crazy River Quarter Horse |
🌫River Race Quarter Horse |
88* IRISH COWBOY Quarter Horse |
Lipstick💄💋 Quarter Horse |
†Drop The Dun {Bes... Quarter Horse |
GX 95* DEFHINE CHRAZY Quarter Horse |
Dun Dun 90.63 Quarter Horse |
Bright Pull Quarter Horse |
Bright skies ahead Quarter Horse |
QH 1-1 Quarter Horse |
QH 1-2 Quarter Horse |
GB|Gravitational Pul... Quarter Horse |
Foundation | |||
Foundation | ||||
Cowgirl Star 2022 w Quarter Horse |
07 OnADateWithACowgi... Quarter Horse |
❁Wish❁ Quarter Horse |
WC Guarding My Heel Quarter Horse |
Wish On A Cowgirl Quarter Horse |
Daisy Crown Quarter Horse |
Chrazy Thru Time Quarter Horse |
Flower Crowns Quarter Horse |
MNB Like A Star EN Quarter Horse |
Apache Moon 47.38 (We) Quarter Horse |
Foundation | ||
Foundation | ||||
Deceased | Foundation | |||
Foundation | ||||