Pedigree of 🐆DarkSomer
Horse | Parents | Grand-Parents | Great Grand-Parents |
Great-Great Grand-Parents |
🐆DarkSomer Appaloosa |
🐆MidsomerStar Appaloosa |
🐈Midsomer Appaloosa |
80.66 Love Me Not Appaloosa |
Bad Bunny 79 Appaloosa |
80.15 Explosive Love Appaloosa |
𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐙𝐄... Appaloosa |
7 ooe 75.15 EeAADL11 Appaloosa |
Fallon27eeo69.52eeAa... Appaloosa |
🐆BlondeChic Appaloosa |
🐆Leopard Love Appaloosa |
82.99 Iron Love Appaloosa |
79.59 Tame The Love Appaloosa |
🐆RoyalSilver❄️* Appaloosa |
DJ Tempting The Bass Appaloosa |
⚜️GoldenSand W f... Appaloosa |
🐆RosePetal Appaloosa |
🐆MilkyWay Appaloosa |
80.81 Let Me Be Appaloosa |
81.80 Can't Be Tamed Appaloosa |
74.50 Let It Go Appaloosa |
🐆RoyalSilver❄️* Appaloosa |
DJ Tempting The Bass Appaloosa |
⚜️GoldenSand W f... Appaloosa |
Retired Appaloosa |
69.26 ⊻ Getting Th... Appaloosa |
Dun Been Caught 🏅 74 Appaloosa |
Renee Hope 65 Appaloosa |
Sky Appaloosa |
𝕂𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕝... Appaloosa |
xL1 Appaloosa |