Pedigree of [AP] Lemon Tarte*
Horse | Parents | Grand-Parents | Great Grand-Parents |
Great-Great Grand-Parents |
[AP] Lemon Tarte* Appaloosa |
[AP] Snippet Appaloosa |
**Gay Bars Silver Appaloosa |
[WDF] Regal Anticipa... Appaloosa |
Critical Value | 71.90 Appaloosa |
*WS* Tempting |Fs|65... Appaloosa |
Another Frenchkiss |... Appaloosa |
King of the Cartel |... Appaloosa |
Discreet Smile | 77.12 Appaloosa |
**Joyball Appaloosa |
*WS* Temptation Appaloosa |
Amarie (60.79) Appaloosa |
Leyna Appaloosa |
Foundation | |||
Foundation | ||||
[AP] Chesley Appaloosa |
retired Appaloosa |
**Time Flies Appaloosa |
Renan (W-69.03) Appaloosa |
Spanish Viento Appaloosa |
**Temons Tonka Appaloosa |
[LFF] The Assaultman... Appaloosa |
Appy-Castle In the S... Appaloosa |
*Nellies Girl Appaloosa |
*Double Six Domino Appaloosa |
**Gay Bars Silver Appaloosa |
**Bright Starlette Appaloosa |
**Texas Tough Appaloosa |
Runner Blanket 62.28 Appaloosa |
*WS* Tempting |Sc|98... Appaloosa |