Pedigree of New Foal
Horse | Parents | Grand-Parents | Great Grand-Parents |
Great-Great Grand-Parents |
New Foal Quarter Horse |
Smoke Quarter Horse |
🔮 DROP THE DRINK Quarter Horse |
s. ♛Drinking Probl... Quarter Horse |
Whiskey Moments Quarter Horse |
m. ♛Krinaiai 90.57 Quarter Horse |
89* LEMON DROP Quarter Horse |
Gilded Casa Quarter Horse |
88* LEMONS FAITH Quarter Horse |
𝕃𝔸 Silver Supe... Quarter Horse |
s. ♛Silver and Gol... Quarter Horse |
Whiskey ℝ Quarter Horse |
m. ♛Legacy's Angel... Quarter Horse |
Golden Supernova Quarter Horse |
Golden Karma Quarter Horse |
LF Last Supernova [9... Quarter Horse |
M Rß Wilo 83.51 77 ... Quarter Horse |
R's Wilo 62.38 A Quarter Horse |
Foundation | Foundation | |
Foundation | ||||
Foundation | Foundation | |||
Foundation | ||||
M Rß Wern 94 94 ffZ... Quarter Horse |
Connor 96.73 Quarter Horse |
Prince (98.20) Quarter Horse |
❄️ Caramel Dash ... Quarter Horse |
Hazeltail 91 Quarter Horse |
Southern Flash (96)® Quarter Horse |
Made This Mighty [87... Quarter Horse |