Pedigree of w-|ϻ. witch applause. 83.46 37
Horse | Parents | Grand-Parents | Great Grand-Parents |
Great-Great Grand-Parents |
w-|ϻ. witch applaus... Appaloosa |
CNS Applause 92.26 41 Appaloosa |
CNS Mr. Opportunity ... Appaloosa |
CNS Beethoven 95 Appaloosa |
[Dv] Nightmare of Ha... Appaloosa |
❈CNS Lonesome Impr... Appaloosa |
CNS Humble Glory 90 Appaloosa |
❈CNS Pharoah 89 Appaloosa |
CNS Head Over Heels 86 Appaloosa |
CNS Dance For The Ap... Appaloosa |
CNS Dangerous Applau... Appaloosa |
CNS Armed & Dangerou... Appaloosa |
CNS Crown Royal 95 Appaloosa |
🌀 Twinkle Toes 83 Appaloosa |
CNS Ragtime 92 Appaloosa |
🌀 Mocha Twinkle ⭐ Appaloosa |
₥. witch flash. Appaloosa |
༄ THE FLASH Appaloosa |
༄ WINDSPUN ELUSIVE... Appaloosa |
Windspun Rookies Par... Appaloosa |
CNS Elusive Enchantm... Appaloosa |
༄ WINDSPUN Flashy ... Appaloosa |
🌀 WINDSPUN Froste... Appaloosa |
₥. witch run. Appaloosa |
₥. running rings. Appaloosa |
+ Supply Run Appaloosa |
[Ret]Smoke Rings In ... Appaloosa |
Morgana Appaloosa |
Foundation | |||
Foundation | ||||