Pedigree of New Foal
Horse | Parents | Grand-Parents | Great Grand-Parents |
Great-Great Grand-Parents |
New Foal Grade Horse |
Mr. Classic Quarter Horse |
Mr. Carrots Quarter Horse |
Apollyon [97.48] Ee Quarter Horse |
〽️Lucifer Quarter Horse |
Chestnut - 96.72 Quarter Horse |
Lopin Like I Dunit [... Quarter Horse |
Lopin Like Smoke (85) Quarter Horse |
crf.qh.m dunit again... Quarter Horse |
Bright Classic Quarter Horse |
Country Classic (85.58) Quarter Horse |
☬ Quarter Horse |
Charger Bar Quarter Horse |
Pop the Bottle Quarter Horse |
Dirty Sunshine Desig... Quarter Horse |
Fiery Reasoning Appaloosa |
[HHF] No Reason Appaloosa |
[WDF] Bullet Appaloosa |
Alaskan Sparrow {59.41} Appaloosa |
Crystal Storm Appaloosa |
[WDF] Twiggy Appaloosa |
[WDF] Poisoned Sugar Appaloosa |
Rascal Wisedread Appaloosa |
[WDF] Blaze Appaloosa |
{D} Olaf Appaloosa |
M̶y BELOVED ⚪pl⚪ Appaloosa |
M̶ V.V. Silk Satine... Appaloosa |
[ap] Distant Mirage Appaloosa |
Leonalia Maestro (67... Appaloosa |
M̶ SALE Appaloosa |