Pedigree of {Dr}
Horse | Parents | Grand-Parents | Great Grand-Parents |
Great-Great Grand-Parents |
{Dr} Grade Horse |
94* ANTICIPATING THE... Andalusian |
New Foal Andalusian |
New Foal Andalusian |
ðŸSmokey Anticipat... Andalusian |
New York Dancer Andalusian |
Elegant Stormy 2 Andalusian |
Scott's Stormy Andalusian |
Elegant Lady Andalusian |
94* SMOKE STORM Andalusian |
Smoke's Stormy Andalusian |
Scott's Stormy Andalusian |
Smoke's Away Andalusian |
94* LOVE OF DANCE Andalusian |
ð”»ð•’ð•£ð•œð”»... Andalusian |
93* RUSH O LOVE Andalusian |
91.03 Champagne Quarter Horse |
s. â™› 92.08 Quarter Horse |
â„ï¸ Summer Lemon ... Quarter Horse |
มLemon Boy [89.40] Quarter Horse |
ยIrish Summer {92.71} Quarter Horse |
m. â™›Rainbow Lily 8... Quarter Horse |
s. ยâ‚Indigo Rive... Quarter Horse |
m. â™›Divine Honey 8... Quarter Horse |
m. â™›Daisy Duke 91.42 Quarter Horse |
s. â™›Funny Business... Quarter Horse |
ยDancer {91.59} Quarter Horse |
m. â™›Fearless KahlÃ... Quarter Horse |
m. ยâ‚Desert Bell... Quarter Horse |
s. â™›Phoenix Cowboy... Quarter Horse |
ยLabyrinth Quarter Horse |