Pedigree of retired
Horse | Parents | Grand-Parents | Great Grand-Parents |
Great-Great Grand-Parents |
retired Paint Horse |
Magic Money Paint Horse |
Get The Money Paint Horse |
Foundation | Foundation |
Foundation | ||||
Foundation | Foundation | |||
Foundation | ||||
TMR Magic Sparkles Paint Horse |
[W]Magic Blue Cloud[... Paint Horse |
Blues Magic / 95.59 Paint Horse |
Overcast Cloud Paint Horse |
Sparkling Assets Paint Horse |
❂Sparkling Gold❂ Paint Horse |
65.64 Intoxicated As... Paint Horse |
retired Paint Horse |
Shape of Despair Paint Horse |
❂Sparkling Gold❂ Paint Horse |
SPK Sparkling Wine /... Paint Horse |
[ᎮᏒ]{Desert Gold... Paint Horse |
Ʊ WH Chianti Paint Horse |
± Mercy Of Mountain... Paint Horse |
Don't Dream Twice 84.04 Paint Horse |
** Juliet Paint Horse |
Fanta Paint Horse |
W Perlino 98.03 m Paint Horse |
Dripsey's Pretty Gir... Paint Horse |
66.28 Major Intoxica... Paint Horse |
± Major Supernova [... Paint Horse |
M| Miss Intoxicated Paint Horse |