Pedigree of W§ Dusty
Horse | Parents | Grand-Parents | Great Grand-Parents |
Great-Great Grand-Parents |
W§ Dusty Welsh Pony |
Sterling Welsh Pony |
Sterling Silver {79.85} Welsh Pony |
♚cofa♚sterling w... Welsh Pony |
Sterling Fox (75.00)... Welsh Pony |
♚*CS*♚as you wis... Welsh Pony |
Diamonds Aren't Fore... Welsh Pony |
Boomerang Welsh Pony |
Irvington Imelda Welsh Pony |
Tody Welsh Pony |
Œ East of Eden 65.0... Welsh Pony |
Eardwulf Welsh Pony |
Risk Demands Welsh Pony |
retire Welsh Pony |
𝓢𝓢|THE SQUEALE... Welsh Pony |
[𝔰]SEED OF CHUCKY|70 Welsh Pony |
Peach Melba Welsh Pony |
Ffestiniog Corydalis... Welsh Pony |
Ffestiniog Teasel * (SJ Welsh Pony |
«» z The Healer Welsh Pony |
«» z Claw Finger Welsh Pony |
Ffestiniog Pink Purs... Welsh Pony |
j Blodwyn Divided Lo... Welsh Pony |
(SJ) Maple Welsh Pony |
*Dark Folded Wing ... Welsh Pony |
Foundation | Foundation | ||
Foundation | ||||
Foundation | Foundation | |||
Foundation | ||||