Pedigree of SM Heart Claimer
Horse | Parents | Grand-Parents | Great Grand-Parents |
Great-Great Grand-Parents |
SM Heart Claimer Quarter Horse |
Acrobatic Rooster Ale Quarter Horse |
s. ย❂Rooster's P... Quarter Horse |
ยLion & the Lamb Quarter Horse |
*CW* Gunfire Hollowa... Quarter Horse |
75* LADYS FAITH Quarter Horse |
79* DOLLYS GOOD FAITH Quarter Horse |
Cobalt Time Quarter Horse |
82* TELL N TIME OUT Quarter Horse |
(Q) SilSmCreDun | 77... Quarter Horse |
SiPerDun | 75.26 | 3125 Quarter Horse |
+ Quarter Horse |
Nutmeg Quarter Horse |
Entitled Acrobat *W* Quarter Horse |
crf.qh.s sonic seven... Quarter Horse |
Dakota Quarter Horse |
SM Strange Is Always... Quarter Horse |
§ Paradoxical 🏆✔ Quarter Horse |
Foundation | Foundation | |
Foundation | ||||
Foundation | Foundation | |||
Foundation | ||||
B§ BlackOnTop Quarter Horse |
Foundation | Foundation | ||
Foundation | ||||
Foundation | Foundation | |||
Foundation | ||||