Pedigree of 𝛷 Ascension by Wildness
Horse | Parents | Grand-Parents | Great Grand-Parents |
Great-Great Grand-Parents |
𝛷 Ascension by Wi... Thoroughbred |
𝛷 Ascension by Gold Thoroughbred |
𝛷 Happenstance Thoroughbred |
𝛷 Happy Go Lucky Thoroughbred |
♦ Hero's Awakening Thoroughbred |
Sol Decision Thoroughbred |
Cass Thoroughbred |
Ace Thoroughbred |
Dis Thoroughbred |
𝛷 Sol Ascensus Thoroughbred |
𝛷 Sol Invictus Thoroughbred |
Firewalker Thoroughbred |
Sol Decision Thoroughbred |
Dromeda Thoroughbred |
♦ Phantom Thoroughbred |
Dis Thoroughbred |
𝛷 Madrid's Wild T... Thoroughbred |
𝛷 Madrid's Hidden... Thoroughbred |
𝛷 Cash the Check Thoroughbred |
Delicate Diamond Thoroughbred |
Gambler's Choice Thoroughbred |
𝛷 Madrid's Lazy Days Thoroughbred |
Madrid's Scene 67.58 Thoroughbred |
Sol Decision Thoroughbred |
𝛷 Turn the Tides Thoroughbred |
𝛷 Sundance Thoroughbred |
Slippin' On Gold Thoroughbred |
Sol Decision Thoroughbred |
Wilamina Thoroughbred |
Mason Thoroughbred |
Pandora Thoroughbred |