Pedigree of Johnny Danger
Horse | Parents | Grand-Parents | Great Grand-Parents |
Great-Great Grand-Parents |
Johnny Danger Andalusian |
Ace of Diamonds Andalusian |
Sword's Son Andalusian |
{AM} Black Sword Andalusian |
Negative In Black Andalusian |
Dark Sword Andalusian |
deceased Andalusian |
Foundation | |||
Foundation | ||||
{AM} Ryvia Gold Andalusian |
3. Ryvia Riding School Andalusian |
Friendly Fire [96.63] Andalusian |
D-68.96 Andalusian |
Jenny Gold 81.69 R Andalusian |
Already Gone Andalusian |
Zone Blanche Andalusian |
Gerudo | D-97.39 Andalusian |
ans. ❂Clue Classic... Andalusian |
M(DNC)_Classic Clue-... Andalusian |
M(DNC)_New Love-98.30 Andalusian |
F(DNC)_Sugar N' Spic... Andalusian |
Opal-98.10 Andalusian |
]-[ Favorito [98.75] 57 Andalusian |
]-[ Hiladora [98.48] 54 Andalusian |
Silver Andalusian |
Njörðr [98.48] Andalusian |
Gustoso Andalusian |
Freya Andalusian |
F(DNC)_Silver Slue-9... Andalusian |
M(DNC)_Silver Style-... Andalusian |
RT Shadow Over Ithica Andalusian |