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Foals of ₥. iverton.

All Foals of ₥. iverton.
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
z // gicanto. 22 years old maplɛ Giant Memory [D]
◦°˚DV|43 Fantastica 22 years old forgottenland Loch Doon Spartan Sword (Dr
♜♜ Trelawney 62.27/40 20 years old ♜♜ Washington Stables ♜♜ ₥. mannax.
V Rß Fireroad 62.26 eeaa 18 years old Rivom (D) Mad Max - Solid
000|ϻ. ivy league. 64.24 40 4 years old maplɛ ₥. mannax.