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Foals of Challen Colors

All Foals of Challen Colors
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
8 | Rum Chata (95.84) 22 years old ➳ Rum Knight
Wild Colors 22 years old Sprocket Wild Fire
Challen Romance {93.92} 16 years old Walter White Wild Romance
*Onyx Fire [96.93] 15 years old TheFadingLands Casper Romance
Dark Colors 14 years old TheBlackLuna Dark Romance
Dark Colors 14 years old 🌔 Eclipse 🌖 Dark Valiente
Colored Romance [95.06] 11 years old Dice Wild Romance
$Sparrow 8 years old Blue Veil K Pure Elegance
Romance Colors 96.12 8 years old Sigil Dark Romance
Angel Queen 7 years old Smokemane Life is Colourful [98]
✘ SCINTILLATING 2 years old xantica Raven Valiente
Challen Runner 2 years old oksana ACH Onya Runner