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"Breeding Low NSS - goal of 0 NSS reached :)"

**slowly sorting my ridiculous amount of horses**

About Me

I am a 33 year old horse addict with 2 real life horses, Whinny [SE Arabian mare] and Razvan [Arabian x Standardbred gelding]. I also have one dog, Myst [Doberman Pinscher], one cat named Chibi [barn kitten turned house cat] and two snakes [ball python, Hootie and corn snake, Mushu]. And I guess if you count Isopods as pets, I raise 5 different types. I am also a plant fanatic and enjoy growing all kinds of plants but mostly tropicals.

I grew up on a mainly cattle farm in a very small town in Ontario, Canada.

My job is a barn hand/assistant manager/equine midwife, at a mainly throroughbred breeding farm, where we foal out for other people as well as ourselves, from January until June/July. We have foaled out, so far, Thoroughbreds, Standardbreds, Percherons, Warmbloods, Quarter Horses, Paints and my own Arabian. This year we foaled out 65 mares [coming up on my 11th year here].

The Fading Lands

Primarily focusing on low nss Trakehners these days.

Before my very long hiatus, I was the only active breeder of high conformation Flaxen Sabino Arabians. Since my return, my focus has changed to low nss horses, while still trying to maintain some color and conformation.

You will still see some of my original breeds but they will be downsized considerably to focus on my trakehners. All my side projects will eventually be moved to my spare account.

If you have any questions about available horses, whether for breeding or sale, please don't be shy and message me.

Account Information
Member Name TheFadingLands
Member ID 115694
Account Type Deluxe (24 days left)
Joined December 6, 2017
Last Active 2025-01-30 23:30:44
Member Information
Money on Hand $150,246
Money in Bank $11,820
Player Level 24
Horses 945 / 945

This member has not progressed their account yet today.

Player Points
Yesterday 0
This Week 0
This Month 0
All Time 9308186
Show Winnings
Yesterday $0
This Week $0
This Month $0
All Time $8,555,488

Member Level
Level 24 Experience 432255 (26%) EXP Required 1653496 EXP Left 1221241

TheFadingLands's Horse Divisions
---------------------------------- 15 horses
Not trained today
-------------------------------------------------- 19 horses
Not trained today
-------------------------------------------------- 47 horses
Not trained today
0. Retirees LOCKED 50 horses
Not trained today
1.Show - Trakehners - 0-30 NSS - JUMP - lined 35 horses
Not trained today
10. Show - Gypsies 43 horses
Not trained today
2.Show - Trakehners - 31-60 NSS - MIXED 35 horses
Not trained today
4.Show - Trakehners Again 24 horses
Not trained today
5.Show - Andalusians - 0-60 NSS - lined 31 horses
Not trained today
6.Show - Thoroughbreds - 0-60 NSS - MIXED 50 horses
Not trained today
7.Show - Random 37 horses
Not trained today
8.Show - Random 35 horses
Not trained today
9.Show - Random 18 horses
Not trained today
Andalusians - Dressage 19 horses
Not trained today
Arabians - Clean - sort 15 horses
Not trained today
Arabians - Flaxen - ff and Ff 5 horses
Not trained today
Dressage - Dutch Warmbloods 11 horses
Not trained today
Dressage - Thoroughbreds - G1 17 horses
Not trained today
Driving - Dutch Warmbloods 8 horses
Not trained today
Driving - Trakehners 15 horses
Not trained today
Jumping - Dutch Warmbloods 6 horses
Not trained today
Jumping - Dutch Warmbloods - lined 25 horses
Not trained today
Jumping - Thoroughbred - G1 6 horses
Not trained today
Minis - possible project 20 horses
Not trained today
New Division LOCKED 20 horses
Not trained today
Racing - Thoroughbreds 22 horses
Not trained today
Random 19 horses
Not trained today
Random 2 40 horses
Not trained today
Till You're 90 - Andalusians and Trakehners LOCKED 43 horses
Not trained today
Welshies - possible project 21 horses
Not trained today
zArabians - Frozen In Time - 85-94 CONFO LOCKED 30 horses
Not trained today
zZ Retirement Pending LOCKED 49 horses
Not trained today
zZz I fd Up LOCKED 50 horses
Not trained today
zZZ Retirement Pending LOCKED 50 horses
Not trained today
Unassigned Horses 15 horses

Club Memberships

Low NSS Breeders Club

Friesian Club

EV Welsh Pony Association

Show Creation Coalition

Chincoteague Registry

Top Conformation Club

Akhal-Teke Club

Arabian Horse Breeders Association

Andalusian Club

Arabian Club

Horse Addicts Anonymous

Grade Horse Association

Dressage Horse Society

Arabian Horse Dressage Association

Anime Utopia

The Dressage Club

Preferred Specialties
TrakehnerShow JumpingStats