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*Stable Hands

ForumsSuggestions and Ideas → *Stable Hands

*Stable Hands

#88029 Posted on 2017-01-18 02:35:58

I love this idea, but I feel like it needs some tweaking

Care: 75 EVD
Showing: 150 EVD
Riding School: 125 EVD

You as the person looking for a stable hand (Player 1)

You select which divisions you want cared for by stable hands (let's say 3), what treats you want used (special treats cost more), how many days you want your horses to be cared for (let's say 5), and what you want done for your horses (let's say care and showing)

The game adds up the number of horses that are in those three divisions (let's say it adds up to 253)

Your advertisement goes up on the new 'Stable Hand'a special page somewhere in the town.

You as the aspiring stable hand (Player 2)

You look on the 'Stable Hand' page for a job

You see Player 1's advertisement for 253 horses, but you don't want to do all of those horses, so you click a button that signs you up to do half of those horses. You then care for 122 horses, and receive your money.

Player 3 comes along, also looking for a job, and sees the 121 horses that you didn't care for. Unfortunately, Player 3 gets busy, and only manages to care for 21 horses, leaving 100 horses uncared for. For this, they have to pay 3/4 of the money that they would have received for caring for these horses, and losing one of their hundred points. The horses that don't get cared for...... idk. Give me ideas.

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#88031 Posted on 2017-01-18 04:46:14

Why not have it so that a player whom needs stable help can post what and what price they are willing to pay. Then the stable hand can decide how many of the horses that they want to care for. The stable hand is paid based on what they did for the horses and how many days they did the work so if the hand fails to show for work one or two days they do not get paid. As for moving or selling horses on the player that is looking for the help add a link or a way they can get to the horses and care for them with out logging the player that is looking for helps account. That link would not allow for selling, trading, breeding,or moving the horses only care, vetting, farrier and showing. If the helper fails to care for the horses and they are close to dying or being lost because of lack of care a message would go in to the stable hand for hire board for one or two days if it was not answered in that time the divisions of the care horses would then be locked until the account owner returned to unlock them again. The stable hand would not be paid for any care if the devision become locked and payment would be made when the person that was requesting help returned and clicked a button to say all care was provided and the stable hand should be paid. That way the person looking for help would know that their horses are being looked after and the stable hand would get the payment when all work has been done. And would not get paid if they did not live up to their end of the deal. As for treats and running out of feed. Have the treat tab locked so that the helper can not change what they are being given. And feed automatically bought from the market when the last bag is fed to the horses. Which would show in the activity at the bank when the owner of the horses returned.

I like this idea but the way I suggested is the only way i can see it working and keep both the one looking for help and the stable helper safe.

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#88422 Posted on 2017-01-20 19:52:01

I'm impartial. This might be cool, but I'd never ever hire anyone because I literally only trust like 2 people ok.
I don't want EV to end up like 95% of other horse games, where you have jobs and make stuff and everything is very expensive... okay, that was a stretch and not much of it applies to this suggestion, but my point is that, while this is a cool suggestion, we'd have to be careful with how it's implemented.
(forgive the blabbering I'm tired)

Last edited on 2017-01-20 at 19:52:45 by Raptorfang Ω

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