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EVC pricing chat

#262427 Posted on 2022-11-23 10:36:27

i apologize if this isn't allowed, but i saw that Olympea's thread about breeding is still quite off-topic and i feel bad about it lol. so i thought we could try to move that discussion over here.

this is a thread to talk about the topic of EVC pricing by players, not the irl cost for buying it, but it can also cover related topics. please be civil and understand that disagreement about a major topic is honestly pretty natural to have within a community c: you can share your comments from Olympea's thread again over here if you'd like, but again try to not sound rude. please avoid speaking for other players or singling them out in a harmful way ♥

i'll try to summarize what was brought up, let me know if i missed anything and feel free to add your own new areas of discussion to this topic:

•Why are EVC prices constantly going up?
•How have EVC prices affected the playerbase?
•How have EVC prices affected the game as a whole?
•How do artists affect EVC prices?
•Should artists be restricted more?
•How does buying EVC with real money affect how EVC sales are priced?
•Should EVC prices be regulated harder?
•Is being able to buy EVC with irl money too much of an advantage?
•Should anything be done if lots of currency is lying around on an inactive account?
edit: Should there be more ways to earn EVC besides the log-in bonus?

Last edited on 2022-11-23 at 14:44:15 by forgottenland/bubbles

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#262432 Posted on 2022-11-23 10:55:49

I don't really know that artists impact the value of EVC in a bad way? The art community tends to spend a lot of their money internally, sure, but they also bring a vibrancy to the community itself that has less tangible value. A lot of the artists are the ones who talk on here and create actual community...?

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#262434 Posted on 2022-11-23 11:00:57

Exactly!! The artists aren't the ones hiking the prices up.. They actually have very reasonable prices and it all stays within the game. They both buy AND sell. It's not just one sided.. :/

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#262435 Posted on 2022-11-23 11:07:19

Artists have been a part of EV even in the old EV. I may have only played EV for 3 years, but I'm glad I've stayed. The artists here are the reason why I worked up the courage to do digital art and to keep doing it. I will admit most of my art/characters aren't wanted right now, but that doesn't stop me as I have said before. It is not our fault. We price things fairly for the most part, and help each other. Because of this I went from doing art like this to this. In my opinion, that's a big improvement! And it wouldn't have happened without you guys

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#262436 Posted on 2022-11-23 11:10:08

This right here is one of my favorites that you've done. You've definitely made and improvement! *Side tracked comment*

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#262437 Posted on 2022-11-23 11:18:21

Honestly I think the artists are some of the only ones attempting to keep EVC prices lower. People will list them in the sales for whatever they want, but artists have valued them at 50-100k each for years in my experience. 

I also don't think buying EVC is an advantage really. The game has to make money somehow, and it's my decision if I want to use my own real money to buy credits. I mean the benefits I get using them on in game items isn't making me basically any money. The only way to make money off credits is selling them directly, and in the end that ends up being all on the buyer. I can think my credits are worth 500k a piece all I want, but that doesn't mean anyone will buy them. If you want the benefits of credits, it's up to you to decide just how badly you want that thing the credits buy. The credit sales 90% of the time aren't an accurate representation of how low people will sell credits for if you just do a little looking. 

And no, inactive money shouldn't be dealt with. If that person wants to sit on their money, that's their choice. If they want to give it away, that's their choice. Maybe one day they want to come back and go full force and buy 1000 horses with it. Again, that's their choice. Their money is theirs. It shouldn't be taken or given to others just because they want it and think they can use it better.

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#262439 Posted on 2022-11-23 11:23:42

- [DELETE] -

Last edited on 2022-12-26 at 10:33:19 by 𝕷𝖚𝖈𝖎𝖆

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#262440 Posted on 2022-11-23 11:33:25

i feel like without being able to look into everyone's account history (which i don't think is a good idea lol), it's hard to definitively say how the artist community is affecting EVC and the playerbase generally. we can only go by taking people's word for what they do and what we've seen but none of us can see the entire picture... i am curious about what this looks like from Abbey's perspective but she's in her right to not make any comments about it.

one thing that is confusing me is that art EVC prices are not only often way lower than what EVC is sold for, but EVC to EVD equivalence in art has completely different reasoning than EVC sales? it's about giving people more options to pay with, if for example, i price 2 tags at either $100k or 1 EVC, that makes people with more EVC consider buying with it over using EVD. the whole 1 EVC = $300k thing on art sales is just to show how much you save by paying for art in EVC. outside of art sales i buy and sell EVC for much less, i think the most i've paid for EVC was maybe $150k?

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#262441 Posted on 2022-11-23 11:34:43

Lucia if your going to keep on passing negativity about how bad EV is, then why keep playing? We don't need players like you here who want to change the whole entire game. Everything you post in the forums is just negative and it's something bad about the game. Calling us artists out is just crossing the line. We have nothing to do with how expensive EVC sales get in the EVC sales section. Artists price EVC as 50k - 100k EVD. That's a FAIR price, and not EVERY SINGLE artist has a crap ton of EVC. Every single game has a premium currency that's supposed to be hard to get unless you buy it. Personally I like that EV has the option to buy EVC for EVD from other players. I try to buy EVC, but it's always too expensive even for me. I like to keep a certain amount of EVD in my bank, and I'm not just going to waste it all on EVC. I only use EVC for deluxe. So stop blaming us artists.

yes I apologize. just got a bit too worked up

Last edited on 2022-11-23 at 11:45:06 by ɦօʀֆɛɢɨʀʟ

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#262443 Posted on 2022-11-23 11:36:59

@horsegirl: i don't mean to act as a mod or anything but i feel directly telling someone to leave is a bit too far... i did ask that people remain polite on this topic c':

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#262445 Posted on 2022-11-23 11:39:00

•How do artists affect EVC prices?
1) Hoarding. If they hoard the credits, that prevented the credits from returning to the market. That will lead to supply and demand issues which will naturally cause the price to increase due to low supply and high demand.

The credits are computer generated currency. They are infinite. Once you buy credits with IRL $ it adds those credits to the game. It doesn't take them from other players. 

2) Artists generally are wealthier than the general population due to additional incomes from selling art. Due to that, they have the ability to afford to buy credit at higher prices than the general population could. The seller will see that they could sell credits at higher prices and increase their price instead of staying on the market value.

Artists don't purchase EVC that are selling for more than 200k EVD. If you look around on the forums, the artists are usually looking for credits around 100k-150k per 1 EVC. 

•Should artists be restricted more?
Yes, especially if they don't participate in the gameplay. If they do play the game, then I am okay with it because they will help flow the EVD/EVC back into the game. However, if they don't play the game, then they will not return the EVD/EVC to the game. Allowing artists to hoard credits in the middle of a credit shortage is unacceptable, IMO. It can mess up the economy in long run and we see that here in this version. We need to ensure that all of the artists flow their EVD/EVC back into the game as well instead of just the art community.

But artists hoarding credits is literally affecting no one because more credits are generated every day from basically out of thin air. I mean it is pixels. :/

•Should EVC prices be regulated harder?
Perhaps. I did think about the possibility of introducing a soft cap system to the EVC sale. However, players can easily get around that cap by selling credits via forums. In RL, we do have a lot of regulations in place to prevent price gouging so maybe it's necessary for us to have something similar for EVs.

Thing is, this isn't RL. It's a game that can infinitely generate currency. 

I agree that there should be a set EVC price so people that are new/returning from a long hiatus knows the price of what 1 EVC is equaled too. But it's also worth noting that if you do go to the Credit Sales, none of those players are artists that actively participate in the EV Art Community. They're the one hiking up the cost of credits. It's not artists.

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#262447 Posted on 2022-11-23 11:54:43

i do agree that comparing EV to real life when EV's systems work very differently is a bit weird, by that logic does that mean all the players over the years who have called people cruel for using the RC or neglecting daily care actually have a point? obviously not and it's not the same situation, but the fact remains a game will typically work differently from the real world no matter how realistic you try to make it. in fact, there have been attempts to compare video game economies to real-life, unless there was a closer correlation to how the video game worked vs real-life, nothing really came out of those studies. lately a video game i play was talked about for how its in-game economy could be applied to real life in helpful ways... and pretty much everyone agreed that made no sense xD

Last edited on 2022-11-23 at 11:58:56 by forgottenland/bubbles

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#262448 Posted on 2022-11-23 11:59:25

@ Horsegirl, it's quite rude of you to tell me to leave. I never told you to leave the game even though you don't even play the game. I never asked all of the artists to leave the game. All I want is that them to be more conscious of their money and how they use money as it affects the rest of the game. It's extremely unfair for us who still are playing the game. The fact that y'all get so angry and defensive shows that I hit on a sore point. 

The credits are computer generated currency. They are infinite. Once you buy credits with IRL $ it adds those credits to the game. It doesn't take them from other players. 
They are not that infinite. Even if they are computer generated currency, it still does not change the fact that we are dealing with low supply and high demand.

Artists don't purchase EVC that are selling for more than 200k EVD. If you look around on the forums, the artists are usually looking for credits around 100k-150k per 1 EVC. 
That's forums only. You have no idea what's going on behind the scene. Yes, there are a few good artists who still play the game that tries to keep credits to 200k. However, there are still many wealthy players who don't play the game. Someone is buying those credits because the price will not go that high if nobody is buying them.

But it's also worth noting that if you do go to the Credit Sales, none of those players are artists that actively participate in the EV Art Community. They're the one hiking up the cost of credits. It's not artists.
Yes, you're correct. I never said the sellers are the artists, tho. The sellers are looking for profits and we need the money due to messed up economy. The buyers are most likely to be artists because they can afford it. I know that for myself. I've sold credits to artists in the past for 300k+ since I needed the money when I first joined the game. Several of my friends also had done the same thing. The seller will not increase the price if nobody is buying them.

Last edited on 2022-12-26 at 10:34:06 by 𝕷𝖚𝖈𝖎𝖆

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#262449 Posted on 2022-11-23 12:03:14

@Lucia - I apologize for that, but you did say for all of us artists to just leave. In your response to "Artists don't purchase EVC that are selling for more than 200k EVD...." you are saying that it's not the artists fault. Us artists get our EVC as payment for art. We don't buy or sell EVC in the credit sales. Therefore what happens in the credits sales isn't our fault.

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#262450 Posted on 2022-11-23 12:08:10

To be fair... EVC are a luxury item. You don't have to have credits to be able to enjoy the game; they just streamline things and have little extras like tags or genetic mods. Luxury items are inherently harder to come by and fluctuate in worth depending on demand. An easy answer to the high credit prices is to just not buy the ridiculous ones. Prices would drop if people refuse to buy over-inflated things. 

I am more concerned about EVD, the fact horses don't sell, and community development. 

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