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EVC pricing chat

#262451 Posted on 2022-11-23 12:10:59

^^ This. All day this. ^^

Oh, just to clarify, this comment is meant for Nen's comment.

Last edited on 2022-11-23 at 12:30:37 by Deer Creek

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#262452 Posted on 2022-11-23 12:12:21

not trying to judge anyone's behavior here, but i feel there is a difference between telling a group as a whole to leave and directly telling a player to leave? while i do feel it's rude to say both, either way i would prefer if neither idea is brought up.

please don't give this discussion a personal edge to it, thank you. ^^ whether you agree with people or not it's only fair to for everyone's opinion to be said without getting attacked for it c:

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#262455 Posted on 2022-11-23 12:28:03

Haha yes, that thread. It's become quite the debate over there :3 I'll try to answer all of these with my own theories♥
1. I believe it is because when someone sells a credit, they go as high as they can to wring the most money out of the buyer. As long as a rich player(anybody with a ton of money btw) is willing to meet those prices, it enables the seller to increase the prices, testing the limit as to how much someone is willing to pay.

2. I'm not sure lol I'll edit if I figure it out or if someone else has an idea, I'll quote them.

3. Again, not sure

4. I don't think they do, at least not like the sellers. But they can kind of determine how much 1 credit is worth, but usually, they follow along with the sellers' pricing in a vicious cycle.

5. I don't really think so, places like DA are restricted enough I think, I'd like EV to have more freedom than those sites, even though I'm not a part of the art market.

6. It makes us try to base the price of the credit on how much we spent on it, rather than how much it's really worth.

7. Probably not, we just need to have everyone lower the prices a little bit. I every seller dropped the price by, say, 50k, it would drastically lower the average price, making it more fair and reasonable.

8. I don't think being financially stable irl is a huge advantage, sure, they do have the upper hand with prices, but we can't punish them for that, it's not right. Yeah, they do control the market a little, but it's like rich people irl.

9. I don't think so, it is a bit unfair, but it adds value to the currency. What would be best would be to pop in every so often and spent a little, maybe buy a mid-priced horse from a smaller player and gift it to someone really new, like level 1-3. If people aren't appreciative about it, just say something. They might not even realize it. Again, it's not right to punish the rich, but we may need our own Robin Hood of sorts.

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#262456 Posted on 2022-11-23 12:31:58

I am sorry but I never tell the artists to leave. I just simply stated the fact that this is a horse game, not an art community website. That the artists have plenty of options out there while we don't since there are few surviving games left. That means if EV dies, you guys will be fine since there are plenty of communities out there while we will be the ones who suffered because we will lose a game to play. That's what I meant by when I said you guys can easily leave while we couldn't. The art community should be a bonus, not the main aspect of the EV. When the art community was at its peak, it was much larger and more active than the game side. That isn't right because EV is a horse game so the game should be bigger than the art community. If you interpret that as me telling you to leave, then that's your problem, not mine. There's a big difference between regulating and leaving as well. I am all for stricter regulations but not outright banning like some games I know.

Anyways, I am done with this topic. I already say my pieces. Personally, I think we need to make some drastic changes in order to revive EV but the community will not allow it. So, in the end, it's really all up to the admins to decide if they want to let EV die or if they want to revive EV.

Last edited on 2022-11-23 at 15:52:29 by 𝕷𝖚𝖈𝖎𝖆

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#262459 Posted on 2022-11-23 12:43:17

But I don't think it's really up to the admins. If I'm not mistaken, there is only 1 person that does the coding. The admins and mods are here to implement the rules and to make sure things are being followed as well as make the notices we get every so often. I agree that some things need to change to revive EV, but it's difficult to make a lot of changes quickly when the code is done by only 1 person.

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#262461 Posted on 2022-11-23 12:48:46

I could be wrong but I thought one of the admins is the coder (Abbey). That's what someone told me: the admins are Abbey and River. Abbey is the coder/owner/admin and used to be active around here but eventually vanished. Later, she hired River to become the "face" of the EV to do all of the news announcements.

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#262462 Posted on 2022-11-23 12:50:41

•Why are EVC prices constantly going up?
because some players will pay the insanely high prices, so why wouldn't they sell them for more?
also, ever since the EC cap was put into place, 5 evc to reset it? more and more people needing evc now.

•How have EVC prices affected the playerbase?
i would imagine less people are buying them 

•How have EVC prices affected the game as a whole?
probably, yes. 

•How do artists affect EVC prices?
honestly, i don't really think that they make a negative impact on the prices

•Should artists be restricted more?
the only thing i think should be restricted is some of their behavior and rules. if i pay $3 million evd for a character and 2 years later do not want it anymore, I should be able to sell it for 3 million evd. i don't agree with artists being able to say things(or put them into affect) like if you bump this sale post i'm going to purposely take an extra day to finish the art that people already paid for. 

•How does buying EVC with real money affect EVC prices?
i don't understand this really, evc has cost the same real life amount since i started over 5 years ago, you could buy evc then for 50-60k evd each. so not sure what this would affect

•Should EVC prices be regulated harder?
not sure, i feel like people should probably be able to charge whatever they want but also people stop paying 300k for 1 evc. 

•Is being able to buy EVC too much of an advantage?
you mean with real life money? no, pretty much every game has some form of special in game currency that can be purchased with real life money

•Should anything be done if lots of currency is lying around on an inactive account?
what do you mean by inactive? like players who haven't logged in for 3 years? UM NO, it belongs to that player whether they are active or not.

edit: Should there be more ways to earn EVC besides the log-in bonus?

probably, yes

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#262465 Posted on 2022-11-23 13:00:44

the topics are more about player prices for EVC, not really about the real money cost for buying them sorry. i edited the main post to clarify that ^^

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#262467 Posted on 2022-11-23 13:03:46

that does help clarify, thanks!

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#262477 Posted on 2022-11-23 14:33:06

Please keep in mind I tend to play from one hiatus to another. I came back for Halloween event and will probably stay until I get bored again. My opinion on EVC market is based on my observations over the last 2 months of EVC sales trying to snipe some for reasonable price.

•Why are EVC prices constantly going up?
Maybe I'm just looking for conspiration theories on EV, but I get the feeling we have flippers here. When someone majorly undercuts the main EVC sellers, their offer is gone soon (even if it's overpriced) and one of the main EVC sellers list some more for their current, inflated price. It can be a coincidence though.

Over these last 2 months there was also a situation, that for some time there were 0 credits on sales. That's when the most recent, ridiculous price of 1mil for 1 EVD showed up - someone took advantage of no competition on the market and just listed it for that to see what happens.

And yes, the prices are high because someone buys these EVC for inflated price. I know one person like this and they do it only when they need EVC asap because their deluxe is expiring and because of real life they have no time to look for players who will sell them credits for normal price.

•How have EVC prices affected the playerbase?
For me it's prioritising hiatus when I don't have time to show horses, because I can't afford deluxe account for half-hearted playing. Can't speak for other people.

•How have EVC prices affected the game as a whole?
The only thing coming to my mind is less deluxe accounts = less shows available.

•How do artists affect EVC prices?
They do?

•Should artists be restricted more?
No, it's fine as it is. The only regulations that could come in handy are the general, savoir vivre ones, because not all people know it's not nice to resell art for more than they got it for. In real life, artist can sell their art for peanuts and look how the buyer makes bank on it because they're good salesman. It stinks, we don't need it here.

•How does buying EVC with real money affect how EVC sales are priced?
That's the only way to generate new EVC, so in long term it decreases the prices if many credits are bought for $$.

•Should EVC prices be regulated harder?
I wish there were less EVC sinks and more EVD sinks. Selling EVC for EVD only moves money between accounts, so it doesn't do anything.

•Is being able to buy EVC with irl money too much of an advantage?
Naah, I'm glad these people support the game. Less chance that suddenly we get told the game shuts down because Abbey can't pay for servers. Besides, there are people who buy credits for $$ only to get EVD and still sell EVC to other players for reasonable price, I respect that.

•Should anything be done if lots of currency is lying around on an inactive account?
300 EVC being unused in certain player's bank make no difference on the game economy than spending these 300 EVC on deluxe, auto care, auto showing and locking account or custom horses and tweaks for private breeding. All these options mean they're gone from the market and thus do not affect it. ;) Leave it as it is, maybe one day they decide to play actively and be happy they have cash for something fun.

edit: Should there be more ways to earn EVC besides the log-in bonus?
With the current amount of EVC sinks? Yes

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#262482 Posted on 2022-11-23 15:41:18

i'm seeing talk that players buying EVC with irl money get a pass for various reasons, including:

•they give money to EV which supports the game
•they bring more EVC to the pool of EVC currently in game
•most games have a system like this anyway
+other reasons i haven't noticed lol

these are fair points and i'm not making an argument against people with real life money to spend. nor do i think we should stop having the ability to support EV through our money if we choose to do so. however, to me there's a lot of similarities between them and artists that i don't think are being brought up.

artists typically work hard on their skill to get to where they are, they bring something to EV that the general playerbase cannot make themselves which is artwork. some people can just be naturally talented when it comes to art, but most people have to practice and study to get there.
people with real life money have often worked hard to have extra money to spend on EV, they bring in credits which many of us cannot generate ourselves. some people can just be born into wealth, but most people will need to work for their money.

it seems the main difference is that EVC is a game mechanic and it can be seen as having more value than art, which is a byproduct of the game. therefore, people with money have more value to EV than people with artistic talent because of their economical impact?

but a community is also technically unnecessary for a game, they can be played without it yes? i play lots of games without talking to people at all, many games involve trading, buying, and selling with no actual player communication within the game and work just fine. as a rhetorical question, why should we value anything besides gameplay for a game?
if someone doesn't participate in art OR gameplay and purely uses the game to chat with people, they are not playing the game. they have some currency lying around that they don't care about too. they generate money and credits by logging in to chat and that stays on their account. if we want to say that people who aren't playing the game correctly are negatively affecting the economy then there's plenty of non-artist players who fit into that.
is community only valuable if it helps the economy?

again, not really my opinion of all this. personally, i do not think there's a specific group of players causing the state EV is in right now and i don't think it's fair for me to start pointing fingers. different types of players impact the game economy differently, why reduce them to just one thing? i see lots of worth in a community that has nothing to do with gameplay, i mostly wish there was just more players in general.

i think the general discussions we have are often drifting towards "what is truly important to Equiverse?", and people have extremely different opinions on that subject...

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#262486 Posted on 2022-11-23 16:25:38

@ Forgottenland,

I think I understand what you're trying to say. 
Generally, most players buy credits for themselves not to sell. I do notice that there are some players who would buy the bulk of credits and sell them at a lower price on purpose to force the market price to go down. It doesn't happen often, tho. It usually doesn't really have a large impact on the market. While I never buy credits on here, I've bought stuff in other games. I rarely buy more than what I needed. I usually buy necessary upgrades or items with my credits. On here, you only need credits for upgrades, auto tools, credit items, customized horses, and arts. Buying a horse with credit is pretty uncommon here from what I see. 

But yes, that's why I do support some kind of regulation or soft caps on the credit market in case of IRL wealthy player is looking for a quick way to get rich in-game. It will help pace the economy too to ensure it won't be too volatile.

As for the community.
Honestly, I am conflicted about this. I don't support the idea of gatekeeping. However, if they are starting to affect the gameplay, then I would be annoyed as heck. I am sorry but there are plenty of options for the art community. There are plenty of options for people who just want to chat as well. We have discord, for example. While we don't have a lot of options for horse games. TBH, I struggle to understand why would they linger around here if they don't even play the game when there are many options out there. If they don't impact the game, then I don't care. They can linger around all they want. I think it really depends on how the admins handle this. If they have a proper number of active mods who log in daily to help manage the forums and enforce rules. IMO, as long as we have enough active mods and regulations in place to ensure that they will not impact the game side too much, then I am okay with them being around. I would be concerned if the number of non-players is higher than players, tho. That means there's something wrong with the game.

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#262489 Posted on 2022-11-23 17:03:25

Lucia, I am conflicted on all of this xD but I agree with you- if the non-active players aren't affecting anything, that's cool, I'm fine with that, it's when they get the login bonus, the daily interest, and the avg. 1k every day from the fountain, plus the 2 credits every 28 days just to use EV as a chatroom?? Nah-uh we have discord like you said and other things. I used to use Fortnite as a chatroom with my friends bc that was the only free online game that I could get that they already had, and I was still active in the game, but I stopped playing it bc it's full of elementary school kids. And Bubbles; you said, "I do not think there's a specific group of players causing the state EV is in right now and I don't think it's fair for me to start pointing fingers." This. This exactly. I think the impact of the EVC prices(of credit sales btw, had to edit) is the people trying to wring out the buyers to line their pockets. 1EVC, IMO, is not worth 1mil EVD. I think it's 250k max. The artist community is just following that like anyone would because it works out. I support those who still play the horse side, even just a little, and have fair prices. Not saying anyone has to, but someone could buy a horse, under, say, 10k, and give it to a new player who needs good horses, that right there can greatly benefit the horse and art community by making friends and tying the two together without having to merge them at all.

Last edited on 2022-11-23 at 20:16:58 by Kali Pickles Horses

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#262491 Posted on 2022-11-23 17:10:05

what i really dislike that keeps coming up in some of these comments is trying to control the way people are allowed to play. in my opinion the way equiverse has always been is very relaxed and doesn’t force anyone to play or do anything a certain way. it should remain that way. trying to tell someone, for example, they can’t buy credits because they don’t play the horse side of the game is asinine and never been what equiverse is about. if you want a game like that then go find one, but equiverse has always been loved for how free and open you can be here, that shouldn’t change. 

also, i’m not sure how it’s not being understood that there is no limited supply on credits. i can go spend $1,000 USD on them right now, there is not a supply issue. it has never been the principal that someone buys credits and resells them so others can have them, they have always been purchased with real life money, that’s where they come from. if you can’t buy them with real life money that’s not anybody else’s problem. maybe things can be adjusted so that items bought with credits are more accessible without damaging the value of a credit, but it’s never been “you have to sell your credits so i can get them with EVD”, so frankly i don’t get why that’s such a pressing issue. does it suck that they are hard to get and really good items can only be bought with them? yes, but that’s what gives a credit it’s value. 

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#262494 Posted on 2022-11-23 17:24:55

I agree with you, Wey. And I think instead of only being able to buy from others or with real money, as there are many like me who can't afford it- I only have 3 dollars on my debit card and I don't have a credit card- maybe we could just find credits very rarely on trail rides, maybe in the Fairy Circles that you can find there's a tiny chance of finding 1 credit in the middle. Or as a reward, maybe for reaching a certain amount of points, or at a certain level, like 10 or 15, you get a few credits. Just a few more ways to get minute amounts of credits if you're poor :p

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