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EVC pricing chat

#262495 Posted on 2022-11-23 17:32:09

i'm not sure what this focus on players wasting space by being around or whatever is, am i only "useful" to EV because i play the game side of things? am i only allowed to keep all my money and items because i just happen to like the gameplay? if i someday decide to stop playing around with horses and as a result i am supposed to leave or give up my currency, i would feel less like a player and more like an asset that someone decided to get rid of.

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#262503 Posted on 2022-11-23 18:03:15

I don't care how much money so and so has and I don't care how you spend it. I'm not understanding any of this tbh. I was inactive for like 5 years and sat on 30 or 40 million and I was soo thankful to have all that when I came back to play. It's my money lol. But when i did need credits, I did notice they skyrocketed and was like dang lol. I do support that idea of finding them on trail rides and such! :D 

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#262510 Posted on 2022-11-23 18:52:07

Are you seriously going to say that it's fine for a GAME to have a majority population of non-players who doesn't play the game? 
Honestly, I feel like everyone is trying to turn this game into a community forum or something. At this point, we should just get rid of the game side altogether and convert EV into a community hangout since that's what the majority seems to push for.

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#262512 Posted on 2022-11-23 18:59:00

yeah lol have fun with that 🙋‍♀️ I'm not staying to see that. And as for Dopey, I think since you actually came back instead of confirming you'll be gone forever it's fine that you left that fortune as now you're doing something with it. And I'm glad someone agrees, it's not like you'll get 15 credits every ride, so it'd be fair, and it's something excited if it were to happen :D

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#262520 Posted on 2022-11-23 19:21:32

? i never said that? i'm saying that it's fairly common for a game to have people who don't care about playing the game, the devs don't care about what they do as long as there's people playing. why? because the game has so many players, it doesn't matter if a good amount of people aren't doing gameplay. i'm logged into another game right now that has 100s of people who just log in to chat, there are measures taken to prevent server overloads but otherwise no one cares. if there's always going to be people who don't play the game regardless of the game's health i don't see how the blame should be on the players when it's the game that isn't fun to play.

if your playerbase is not what you want, getting rid of doesn't help. improving the game in ways that encourages new and old players to actually play it does. i have never seen a game that drove out players being successful, new players found the lack of community boring and left. i am of course not talking about mass bans of players who were being harmful to others through bullying and things like that, that's a situation of rules being broken.

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#262521 Posted on 2022-11-23 19:46:33

I think the impact of the 
EVC prices is the people trying to wring out the buyers to line their pockets. 1EVC, IMO, is not worth 1mil EVD. I think it's 250k max. The artist community is just following that like anyone would because it works out.

If you look in the forums and even the Credit Sales tab there is NO artist selling credits for 1 mil EVD. The people jacking up those prices in the Credit Sales are non-artist players. All the artists that I've seen accept EVC as currency for their sales, price 1 EVC = 100k-200k EVD depending on the complexity of the art. If you just look through the forums a tiny bit you can see that proof.

As for the community.

Honestly, I am conflicted about this. I don't support the idea of gatekeeping. However, if they are starting to affect the gameplay, then I would be annoyed as heck. I am sorry but there are plenty of options for the art community. There are plenty of options for people who just want to chat as well. We have discord, for example. While we don't have a lot of options for horse games. TBH, I struggle to understand why would they linger around here if they don't even play the game when there are many options out there. If they don't impact the game, then I don't care. They can linger around all they want.

But this is technically gatekeeping is it not? This is basically telling two player bases of a game to leave because they don't play the game. Maybe they're taking a hiatus from the horse side and wanting to just talk to some of their friends they made on here because their friends don't have access to discord or other means of chat. There are options for horse games, you just have to look for them. Some people like to stay that don't play the game because this community has always been friendly and helpful and don't want to have to go somewhere else where the community may be toxic and hateful. You also have to think, this is a BROWSER game. It's going to have forums and chatting and art. You can't get ride of a whole side of players just because they amassed a minute amount of EVD from logging in daily. 

It's not fair for anyone to determine what others do with their game. Yanno? 

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#262522 Posted on 2022-11-23 19:49:40

@Deer if you really read and understood my post, you'd know that I was talking about the credit sales🙄not the artists🤦‍♀️I don't need to look through the forums a little bit, I already know that. You need to look through my comment a little bit😅

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#262523 Posted on 2022-11-23 20:01:18

Hey, no need to be rude or condescending about it. I apologize if my wording came off as rude, but I'm just stating the fact that if ANYONE just looks through the forums they can see that no artist is selling EVC for that price. You included the artist community in with your comment though. There is nothing in your comment relating your information equates to the Credit Sales tab. It's just not mentioned. You just mention players trying to wring currency out of other players. I fully read and understood your comment. There's no need for the emojis and passive aggressive tones. 

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#262525 Posted on 2022-11-23 20:04:51

So I think we can agree that there is a problem with how some players choose to resell EVC. Looking at the credit shop where prices are HighTM for no reason. Even some trades that ask for more than it seems a majority of players seem to assess a credits worth. Good talk, y'all.

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#262526 Posted on 2022-11-23 20:04:55

sorry, even irl I'm just passive-aggressive :') I'll go reword it, it made sense in my head I guess.

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#262528 Posted on 2022-11-23 20:07:14

Nah, you need to leave it. That way people know what we're talking about.

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#262530 Posted on 2022-11-23 20:15:43

Guys, please be respectful towards each other. If this cannot be a productive conversation then this thread will be locked and warnings given out. 

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#262531 Posted on 2022-11-23 20:17:14

nah I just put parentheses and said (of credit sales btw, had to edit) :)

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#262535 Posted on 2022-11-23 20:30:01

i understand if people feel this has gone a direction they don't feel comfortable discussing and are discouraged from chatting in here. i'll bring up again some other parts of the discussion, not to ignore what we've said recently but to remind people there's quite a lot to this issue and lots of differing opinions, it's very hard to say this is just a 2-sided debate.

•What are some ways we could add to earn EVC? So far many people seem to agree we should have more ways, that there are too few chances to earn it compared to how many ways to spend it. Ideas include having a rare chance on trail rides to find a credit, and having them as a level-up bonus. An idea i've seen before is player quests, perhaps some harder quests could reward a credit? Player milestones have also been suggested, maybe those could reward credits if you achieve a very difficult one? (also isn't EVC a rare drop from the fountain or am i mixing it up with EVC purchasables like auto-show?)

•There's been debate about regulating and/or capping credit sale prices for years. What are people's thoughts? On one hand, having huge prices on your EVC means few people will buy it. So the argument that driving EVC prices up is not profitable and doesn't work into the seller's favor can be made, but on the other hand there are a few people who will buy crazy high EVC, which in turn means selling credits for a high price is worth it if the seller is patient. In turn it will keep happening and continue to make credits inaccessible. Another argument is that people don't want to be restricted and want to have the right to sell as high as they want, additionally it's been brought up that the credit sales page can be regulated all we'd like but people can still sell for larger prices through the forums, PMs, and trades. Should credit sales be regulated even in those areas?

•One of the biggest reasons people seek credits is to have a deluxe. Reasons for having a deluxe vary, some want to create shows, some want to run a stable, some just want a pretty tag, some enjoy the extra EVD perks you get from having a deluxe. Many want all of the above. Should some deluxe perks be given to basic players as well, such as allowing all player types to have custom tags or the ability to run shows? Would that ease the demand for credits? And would that in turn impact the game negatively (ex: by having less people buy credits and support the game) or positively (ex: less demand = less people buying at outrageous prices) or both?

i'll also update the main post with what's been discussed here so far, just maybe tomorrow as i'm very tired right now lol.

Last edited on 2022-11-23 at 20:43:25 by forgottenland/bubbles

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#262536 Posted on 2022-11-23 20:33:17

@maple: sorry if my tone has been too rough at any point, i'm genuinely not upset at anyone but i'll also try to watch how i word things as well

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