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Arepas Racing Stables | Literate | Thread | OPEN

#239750 Posted on 2021-05-25 11:03:36

     Snow was stuck back at the racing stables. She was being put to trot around a large arena and practice changing gaits quickly and on command. It was a struggle, and Snow wished she could be racing like Diva was. When she saw Diva was being loaded in the trailer, she immediately guessed she was being taken to race. Snow wished her luck before she was urged back to work. 

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#239751 Posted on 2021-05-25 11:21:19

     Before Diva was loaded into the red trailer. She was tied to the side of it as Charlotte placed a blanket and traveling boots on Diva. Diva just stood there and looked at Snow. It was weird. Diva wished Snow could come too, but she couldn't. She wasn't going to race today, but maybe someday. Diva gave out a nicker to Snow before Diva was loaded. Then, Charlotte shut the trailer door. Diva stuck her muzzle out of the small opening then peeked outside watching Snow. She then began to get smaller as the truck began to drive away.

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#239752 Posted on 2021-05-25 11:34:57

     Snow paused her trot to watch the red trailer drive away, getting smaller and smaller as the distance between them increased. The person who was exercising her tried to get her to move forward, but she stayed still until she couldn't see the trailer anymore. She focused back on her task, nickered, and continued trotting. 

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#239755 Posted on 2021-05-25 11:42:19

     A few hours later Diva arrived at the track. It seemed as though her jawed dropped as Charlotte led her out of the trailer. The place was spotless. She walked proudly and stood tall to try and have herself hit in as she was led to a stall. There was still a few hours until the big race. Charlotte took the blanket and boots off as Diva stared at the track. The track in which she'll race on in only a few hours for her very first race. There was a stallion that was also brought to race from the same stable as Diva, but he was racing in a different race.

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#239756 Posted on 2021-05-25 11:49:36

     By the time Diva arrived at the stables, Snow had been turned out into the pasture. She was happily munching on some grass as she listened to the sounds around her; birds chirping, the bright grass rustling in the wind and tickling Snow's nose, and the sounds of people talking and working about inside and outside the stables. It was all quite peaceful, Snow had to admit, even the loud talking of the groomers and trainers, and the barking of dogs didn't seem to bother her either. 

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#239765 Posted on 2021-05-25 13:17:20

     Time went by slowly for Diva. She was led to get washed and groomed once again as there was just one hour until the big race. Diva bopped her head up and down once she was in her stall as she was so excited and couldn't wait. When people with out without horses walked by she stopped and stood tall for one to look professional, and two to show off. The mare was not the favorite in the race. There was another mare about a month older than her named Native Dancer. She had a bright bay coat, and it was all shiny. Diva though didn't have the best odds, and her grullo tobiano coat wasn't much like the favorite.
     It was time. Charlotte tacked Diva up, and led her out of the stall leading her to where the jockeys would mount their horses. Hernando came by and waited to mount until a man commanded.
     "Rider's Up!" he called as one by one the jockeys got on their mounts as the horses were being led to the track. Diva was number 8 out of 10 horses. Hernando got up onto her as Charlotte led them underneath the tunnel. When they were out there were fans everywhere. Diva couldn't believe it. This is what it was like to be a racer. She couldn't tell who the people were cheering for, but she hoped some were cheering for her. If not, then they will. Charlotte undid the lead rope as another rider on a quarter horse grabbed hold of Diva's or Grey Phantom's, her race name, reins. 
     This person and they're horse led them around the dirt track following those in front of them. Then they were being led onto the grass track. A handler grabbed hold of Gray Phantom and put her in the number 8 starting gate. Diva blocked out all the noise except for Hernando's and took a few deep breaths. This was it. The start of the life she hoped to have.

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#239772 Posted on 2021-05-25 15:20:00

     Vinn had taken a day off of practice, with Nia thinking it a smart thing to do with the upcoming race. Vinn popped in and out of reality, speeding through her days and nights. She didn’t have a lot to think about, besides her usual light conversations. The morning Diva had left for the race was the day Vinn finally snapped back into it. It was her day too, her first real race. Vinn had been to plenty low-profile races before, but those weren’t high-class horses. They were locals, her friends. Vinn was ready for a little competition, it would do her well. Vinn was in a later race, but they still left early to have time to settle in. Vinn could tell Nia was nervous when they were loading onto the trailer, so Vinn nudged her shoulder playfully. It seemed to lighten the mood, so Vinn relaxed on the long ride there. Once arrived, it was indeed a surprise to Vinn. Nothing she didn’t expect, but still exciting. Vinn and Nia arrived just in time to watch Diva’s race, and Nia cheered her on as her race began. 

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#239787 Posted on 2021-05-26 03:32:04

     As seconds past it felt like a lifetime. This is it she thought focusing on the track ahead. Diva could hear her race name being called in her ear as she lived a fantasy she hoped dreamed to have someday. All the sounds came back to her as the gates opened. Grey Phantom bolted out but Hernando slowed her a bit. The horse and rider were in the pack currently in 6th place. Grey Phantom was neck to neck with a mare younger than her with a dapple grey coat. 
    Grey Phantom got as close to the rail as she could after passing the dapple grey mare as the pack reached the first turn. After the turn, Hernando and Grey Phantom were in 4th place. Hernando made sure Diva kept at a constant pace. They were nearing the next turn and the final stretch. This is my moment. The moment I have been waiting for Diva thought. Hernando gave the command as Grey Phantom went as fast as she could after the turn. She was so close to winning. She pasted one horse. Then another, and now she was closing in on the favorite. Diva could hear her race name being called at her fantastic move and surprise. 
     100 yards left. Diva pasted the favorite and won. Hernando raised his arm in the air for victory. One of the riders came and grabbed Grey Phantom's reins to help her slow down. By the time she was another rider came along to congrats Hernando. Within a few minutes, Diva and Hernando were in the Winner's Circle. I did it! I won! Diva thought to herself. She stood tall and proud as the garland of roses went around her neck. Within a hour Diva was back in the stall at track, when she saw Vinn. 

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#239866 Posted on 2021-05-27 11:44:10

     Having been stuck at the stables, Snow was getting restless. She'd challenged herself to see how long she could continue galloping in the large pasture, but she got bored of it quickly. She settled back to grazing. After a while, she got bored of that too. She began to wonder how Diva and Vinn were doing. Were they getting nervous under the pressure of all the other experienced horses? Or were they feeling confident that they would win? Snow wish she knew the answer. She would have to wait for the two mares to return to find out. 

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#239873 Posted on 2021-05-27 12:43:20

    Vinn spent her spare time walking around, out of the way. Finally, as the sun was just hours from setting, it was Vinn’s race. Her local races had prepared her for this, so she shook of the nerves quite easily. Time seemed to stand still as Nia mounted Vinn, and the crowd roared on. The birds in the sky froze, and the rattling of the gate quieted. Vinn launched herself forward when the gates opened, and took a steady pace in 2nd. Starts were Vinn’s specialty, so she needed to get up there while she could. She battled with the first place horse, and took 1st when the now 2nd place horse was boxed between her and the rail. She maintained her position on the homestretch and took 1st place by a stretch. As Vinn slowed though, she rocked. Nia could feel the imbalance of her step, and immediately called for a vet. Vinn could feel the heat from her fore left leg. Bad. Bad, bad, bad. Vinn would be drug tested, vet checked, and taken to the hosting stables vet barn as soon as possible. Bad... bad... bad... Vinn had had no exposure to drugs before the race nor during- so why it took a minute to feel the inflamed leg- Nia had no idea. 

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#239875 Posted on 2021-05-27 13:15:30

     Diva watched Vinn's race from the stall she was put in. She also realized what had happened to Vinn. She didn't know the mare or her name, but she knew they were from the same stable. The mare hoped it wasn't nothing too serious, and that she would be OK. Wait, Diva usually didn't care about others or have these "feelings". What was going on with her? Not long after Charlotte put Diva's blanket and traveling boots back on and led her out of the stall, and to the trailer. Charlotte unclipped the lead rope as Diva walked inside the trailer. 
     When Diva reached the stables she walked out of the trailer slowly, standing tall and proud. Everyone nearby started clapping and cheering as Diva was unloaded off the trailer and Hernando came out of the truck. Diva enjoyed this. The life she wished she had was finally starting to come true. Diva held her head up high as she noticed Snow grazing in the pasture nearby as she perked her ears.

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#239882 Posted on 2021-05-27 15:05:06

    The injured leg seemed to leave Nia far more devastated than it left Vinn, as the leg had never been a problem before Nia was Vinn’s jockey. Vinn was vet checked, and given an ice boot. It was deemed a mere inflammation, but Vinn knew more X-rays were likely to follow when they returned home. Once Vinn was cleared to leave, she and Nia headed home. Nia racked herself about what could have happened, although, Vinn never seemed to mind. In fact, Vinn only tried to lighten the mood with her silly antics. When they returned, it was much past midnight and Vinn’s ice was replaced and the local vet came to look things over. Vinn hadn’t picked up much, as she was in and out of sleep, but she did hear a little. “Not a fracture... lots of swelling... ice it as much as possible... 8 days of...” After that, Vinn had no clue what was said as she was too busy sleeping. The long day and the now iced pain made sleeping easy, and Vinn appreciated it. 

Last edited on 2021-05-27 at 15:05:52 by ᴛʀᴜQᴜᴇ

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#239884 Posted on 2021-05-27 15:15:10

     Diva watched the vet, Vinn, and Nia that night. Even though Diva was exhausted from the race, she couldn't sleep. Why do I even care when I don't even know her. Not even her name she thought to herself. Eventually Diva fell asleep a few hours before sunrise. But, she would have a day or two off. Diva was laying down in her stall when the sun rose and Charlotte came into the  stable.
     "Will she be OK," she asked looking at Vinn in her stall with Nia right beside. 

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#239894 Posted on 2021-05-27 17:20:12

     Snow had been led into her stall with Diva, and she nickered in greeting. "Hey, how did the race go? Did you win? Did Vinn and Nia win? Is Vinn okay, I heard the stablehands talking about her getting an inflimmation or something" She immediately bombarded the mare with questions. She wanted to know what happened and if Vinn was really hurt. She hoped it was just a false alarm but with the commotion the humans were creating about the topic, she guessed it wasn't. 

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#239895 Posted on 2021-05-27 18:19:51

     Vinn rested heavily the next morning and didn't eat too much. Nia had told her that her leg would start to feel better soon as long as she ate- and Vinn believed her- but it hadn't stopped hurting yet, and Vinn just didn't have an appetite. She didn't have a lot to say to the horses around her either, instead, she chatted with herself. She learned to keep herself the best company, and she was good at it. Her dam had said a bored filly always finds a way to get into trouble, so Vinn often tried to keep herself moving. Nia had told Vinn she had 8 low-activity days, and then they could slowly start training again, and instantly Vinn was crushed. Her leg sure hurt- but, 8 days? And that was only if the swelling didn't progress. She was already mentally ready to get back on the track- win another race. Vinn did appreciate Nia's constant company though, so she had that going for her. 

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