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Arepas Racing Stables | Literate | Thread | OPEN

#239930 Posted on 2021-05-28 10:04:15

     Vinn and Nia were on a short walk when a truck and trailer carrying hay turned too sharp and the haybales come loose, sending up hay and loud thumps. Vinn was permitted a short walk each day to exercise the joints, and so Nia took as much  advantage of that as possible. It was nice to be able to lead Vinn around- just a halter and lead rope, for once. Normally they were all tacked up, Vinn perky as usual. Now, everything was calm. Vinn had lost her spunk, appetite, and patience. She was tired of waiting in that stall all day. Tired of doing nothing. Tired of being cared for like she was about to crack. She wanted to be her old spunky self again. That’s why they went on that short walk- and saw the hay tumble down. As soon as the dust-hay storm settled, Vinn caught sight of Diva running away. “Diva!” She called, but it was too late. Diva was spooked, and nearly out of sight. Vinn and Nia anxiously made their way to Snow as they waited for news about Diva’s disappearance. 

Last edited on 2021-05-28 at 10:06:46 by ᴛʀᴜQᴜᴇ

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#239932 Posted on 2021-05-28 11:01:52

     Snow's head shot up when she heard the loud BANG! She reared up and neighed loudly in fright, however, she did not bolt as Diva had. She watched as Charlotte screamed for Alaina and she galloped out bareback. Snow was worried so much so that she considered whether she should jump over the fence and follow after them in hopes she could help find the runaway mare. 
     What am I thinking? Just a few days ago I wouldn't have even considered doing such a crazy thing. I guess I'm really getting attached to Diva. She thought. She began to trot around the pasture nervously. Any second now, Diva's going to be led back into the pasture with a bunch of treats and pets, I'm sure of it, She tried convincing herself, though it wasn't working very well. 

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#239936 Posted on 2021-05-28 11:26:46

     Diva stood in the darkness. She couldn't see anything. The mare hoped for the sounds of hooves on the road, but there wasn't. She knew it was too dark for anyone to come and search for her. I guess I'm on my own.... she thought. The lost mare walked slowly trying to figure out where she was, but it only made her even farther from home. Diva could barely see anything in front of her as she ran into several rocks and trees. She approached dried up river, but fell to the bottom not noticing it. She tried getting up, but just laid there. It'd be better if I'd just stay put she thought.

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#239950 Posted on 2021-05-28 15:36:46

     Diva hadn't been gone long but Snow was worried. After a while of her indecisiveness, she decided to take matters into her own hooves. She galloped toward the fence and jumped over it, just as Diva had. She didn't listen to anyone behind her as she galloped after Diva, hoping she would find the mare before she got into trouble. 

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#239951 Posted on 2021-05-28 15:48:00

     Diva laid in the dried up riverbed restless. She tried to keep herself awake just in case someone was searching for her. The mare sighed as she laid her head on the ground with her neck stretched out. It had rained hard a couple days ago, so Diva now almost blended into the riverbed. Diva tried to get up again, but didn't succeed. The river was not dried up all the way, but there was enough water to make a splash as she tried. Why!? Why did I have to have a terrible past!? she thought to herself. 

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#239953 Posted on 2021-05-28 16:06:31

     As Snow neared the area where Diva was resting, she heard a small splashing sound. She galloped over to it to find Diva laying on the almost completely dry riverbed. "Diva!" She yelled down. "What were you thinking? You could have gotten injured. Who knows what would have happened!" She cried as she tried to find a way down to where Diva was without injuring herself. 

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#239955 Posted on 2021-05-28 16:20:46

     The mare turned an ear towards the sound of Snow. "W-why are you by yourself? You shouldn't of came after me alone," Diva said quietly, "It's not my fault I was spooked by those clumsy humans," she said sharply. Diva looked up realizing how far she had fallen. Even though Diva was grateful Snow came looking for her, she'd prefer if Snow had stay put in case she got lost, or hurt because of her. If something happened to Snow because of something she did, she could never forgive herself. Champions don't spook. Champions don't run away. Champions don't lay in mud in a almost completely dried up riverbed. Champions do none of these things she thought I'd be so humiliated if anyone outside the stable finds out. I'd never become beloved champion if word gets out Diva kept on beating herself up in her head repeating on what a champion would be. Not a horse that was meant to race that was used for hauling heavy items.

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#239956 Posted on 2021-05-28 16:26:36

     "Diva, do you think you can get up? You've fallen pretty far and I'll need your help to get you back up here" Snow stood at the very edge with her fore hooves sliding down the slippery side of the riverbed. She thought about letting the mud carry her down but she might not be able to get back up if that happened. Plus, the side of the riverbed might collapse with her weight and she would fall like Diva had. 

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#239957 Posted on 2021-05-28 16:32:07

     The messy mare who would never look like a champion tried to get up. That's when she noticed it. Not only did Diva have a few small scratches, she also had a huge gash on her front left leg. "I-I can't stay up," she said it wasn't just her legs, but all the mud. I would of never been in this situation if I hadn't of spooked she thought. "Wait, do you know your way back?" she asked the mare looking up at her.

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#239959 Posted on 2021-05-28 16:40:07

     How am I supposed to get her up now?! Snow thought, nickering angrily. She looked back down at Diva and came to the realization that she had no idea where she was. She had let the wind guide her to Diva, but she knew she wouldn't be able to find her way back using that same tactic. "Worry about getting back later. For now, let's focus on getting you out of there."
     Snow looked at her surroundings. Find something around you and use it. She noticed there were many trees. Birds chirped restlessy and the leaves rustled in the wind. Fallen logs and undergrowth were strewn about the ground, and when Snow looked closer, she saw large vines tangled around the shrubery. "If I passed you a vine, do you think you could grab it so I could pull you up? It might be hard, but you'll need to try using your legs to get some steady footing and try to pull yourself up. I know you can do it, though. You're a champion, and you won't give up! Those are my expectation for you, and I know that's what you want to be, too. Don't let us both down." 

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#239960 Posted on 2021-05-28 16:47:45

     Diva figured Snow didn't know her way back. After hearing the words of encouragement Snow said Diva nodded, "I'll try," she said smiling a bit. Once Snow threw the vine Diva caught it in her mouth, and tried to use her three good legs to help Snow with pulling herself up. Diva stumbled a few times, but got back up. Diva started to slide down a little as a flashback of a similar moment in her past of her pulling a heavy cart up a muddy hill. NO! she thought ignoring her past as she kept on trying. Diva stumbled once she was out of the river bed. "T-thanks," she said exhausted and out of breath.

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#239962 Posted on 2021-05-28 16:54:27

     Snow let the vine fall from her tight jaw and sighed, breathing heavily. Her legs had gotten hurt in the process of pulling Diva out, though she wouldn't let her know that, and her usually shiny coat was now sticky and dirty with mud. She locked her knees in place as she rested, encouraging Diva to do the same. 
     Well, I got Diva out, now how do I get us back? She looked around when she had rested up and felt for the motion of the wind. However, the breezy air seemed to have disappeared during the time Snow was busy pulling Diva up from the riverbed. "Maybe we should just wait for someone to come find us... but what if they can't" She muttered. 

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#239964 Posted on 2021-05-28 16:59:53

     Diva looked up at Snow then looked around. "Before it got dark, I was galloping down the road. Maybe you just have to try and find it. If so, then you should be able to see the lights from the stable. The road isn't far from here I know that,"she said. "You have to go and find it because I can't. When you get there, find someone wake em' up if you have to. I trust you Snow." Diva looked at Snow and smiled a bit giving a nod.

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#239965 Posted on 2021-05-28 17:11:21

     Snow's ears drooped slightly. She nodded and nudged her head at Diva. "Stay safe and hidden. Hopefully I'll be back soon with some help" She nodded once more at Diva and galloped off. She galloped the way that she came. At least, the way she thought she came. She passed by a clearing that she'd seen on her way to find Diva, so she knew she was going the right way. A few more minutes and she saw a large gravel path open up; large enough for cars. I found it! She snorted happily and looked around until she spotted the bright lights of the stables. 
     Even from here, she could hear humans chatting amongst themselves nervously. They were all talking about Snow's and Diva's disappearances. She approached one of the humans, she guessed it was Charlotte, and neigh loudly. It took a bit of coaxing, but after a while, Snow managed to convince Charlotte to mount her bareback, and as soon as she had found a comfortable seat, she bolted off once more. 
     She was a bit more familiar with the area and so she managed to find Diva again, much quicker than before. She let Charlotte dismount so she could take a look at Diva. I really hope Charlotte can help. I'll drag Diva all the way back to the stables if I have to, Snow thought defiantly. 

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#239967 Posted on 2021-05-28 17:53:23

     "I will," Diva said before Snow took off. Diva laid in the mud, and looked around. She had heard a wolf howl in the distance, but she couldn't tell how far it was. Thankfully, it was just one. If it were to be a pack, all of them would have howled. The mare tried to limit her movements, hoping Snow wasn't going to get lost. Moments later Diva could hear the beating of Snow's hooves. She neighed before she could even see them. It's probably midnight by now Diva thought.
     Diva was glad Snow got help, and didn't get lost. She noticed Charlotte on her back riding bareback. Diva didn't know she could ride let alone ride bareback! Diva tried to get up again falling again. She felt comforted as Charlotte put her soft hands on the mare. 
     "You poor thing, how are we going to get you back home?" Charlotte said in a voice with seemed to be relieved, but worried.

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