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Arepas Racing Stables | Literate | Thread | OPEN

#239547 Posted on 2021-05-20 15:57:40

     Snow stamped her hoof at Diva's comment. She neighed rudely and trotted over to Vinn, who was rolling in the mud. "I don't think we've met properly. I'm Snow. As you can see, I'm not the fastest racer, but I hope to become one someday" She looked down at Vinn and snorted. "Is that fun? If I did that, it would be a pain in the rear to wash it off" Something seemed to click in Snow's brain because she laid down on the muddy ground and began to roll around just as Vinn was doing.
     "I haven't yet tried this, but it's fun! And I bet whoever's assigned to groom me will have a lot of fun" She said in a sneering way. 

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#239550 Posted on 2021-05-20 16:20:06

     Diva didn't mind how Snow reacted to her comment earlier as she munched on some hay in her stall. She looked up as she noticed Dozer walking into the stable.
     "You better watch your attitude missy. These humans won't tolerate it forever," the dog said looking up at Diva who had taken a break from her meal to stick her head out of the stall door.
     "First off don't call me "missy", second off I don't have to watch anything." Diva said firmly. She turned back around and went back to her hay as Dozer gave a slight growl and walked off out of the stable muttering words under his breath. None of them get it and they never will she thought to herself. Not long after Diva finished her meal James her trainer walked into the stable and right up to Diva's stall. 
     "Come on girl, I want to see how fast you can really go," he said as he opened her stall attaching the lead rope to her halter and walked her to the tack room to tack her up. James got onto her once finished and rode her to the track. "I'm not going to do anything but let you run," James said before she took off. Diva sprinted across the track. People nearby watched in amazement including Alaina.
     "Looks like you bought yourself a champion," Charlotte said as she watched.
     "Who knew," Alaina replied.

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#239551 Posted on 2021-05-20 16:33:50

     After a while, Snow stood up and looked around the paddock. She shook herself, letting some mud particles fly off her now sticky coat, and began to trot along the fence. Although she was tired from racing Diva earlier, she liked moving around a lot. She wished she could gallop as fast as she was during their little race, but with how small the paddock was, she knew that wouldn't happen, so she just settled for an exaggerated trot. 

Last edited on 2021-05-20 at 16:36:54 by Elizabeth

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#239561 Posted on 2021-05-20 19:56:24

     Vinn chatted with Snow for a while, happy with the sincere company. When Snow decided she was done rolling in the mud, Vinn decided she would be too. Vinn often forgets what she should be doing, and Nia's loud gasp behind her stole her attention. Vinn turned to look at Nia's face, and Nia sighed and rolled her eyes. "Vinn! Look at you!" She said amusingly. With Nia and the help of a groom, Vinn was back to looking spotless within the hour. Nia took Vinn for a ride around the property and rambled on as she did so. "Soo... Vinn, what do you think about going to a race with me? I know I'm not a real jockey but... it would be fun! You and me, what do you say?" Vinn didn't understand most of what Nia was saying, but she knew the word race and she liked the tone. It was a yes from Vinn as far as she was concerned, as Vinn would be happy to be edging her way through a pack of stampeding fillies and colts. 
     Just as the pair turned back to the track for the late-afternoon quarter track run, Diva was seen prancing nearby. Vinn thought to herself- but before she could get anywhere with it she was in the box. Vinn liked the box. It was the last quiet time before she raced until her legs ached. Vinn readied herself to take-off, picking her hooves up neatly in the first lengths to be sure not to trip- as Vinn was good at that. She was good at speeding up quickly, and she already maintained an impressive starting time. Nia would just have to be sure to keep Vinn's feet under her. Vinn nosed her edge up along the rail, pretending to race masses of foals, only merely beating them all to a necklace of flowers. Nia was satisfied with the run and returned her to her stall to rest. "Only 0.42 seconds from your fastest time... Nice run, Vinny." Nia patted Vinn on the head and left the stables. 

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#239572 Posted on 2021-05-21 04:45:22

     James just rode on Diva as if he was a jockey, but he wouldn't do anything. He wouldn't give a command, steer Diva, or even say a word. He just let Diva run on the track letting her go as fast as she could. It seemed Diva raced around the track in a split second with how fast she was going. Alaina was standing at the rail along with Charlotte and had a stopwatch going. She stopped it as soon Diva past the finish line. 
     "1 minute 59 seconds! That's a new track record," called Alaina. "There's a race coming up, I think we should put her in it. She's had quite a bit of training."
     James came up to them as Diva came to a stop and Alaina pat her on the neck. "I agree, she's ready. She may have some attitude, but it's we put her in a race," James said jumping off her. Diva liked what they were saying. Alaina grabbed Diva's reins and led her off the track and to the stable. Alaina untacked Diva and led her back over to the mare pasture, but instead of letting her in Alaina tied Diva up to one the posts. Diva hated this. 
     Alaina walked off claiming she'd be back in a minute but more time pasted and Diva started to paw the ground. She reared trying to undo the knot with her hooves. She tried everything from pulling, to pushing, to whatever she could think of. Diva even used her teeth, but it was no use. As time passed Diva became even madder. She didn't care the other horses nearby where watching her as she kept rearing, pawing the ground, bucking, neighing, and snorting. In the meantime, Alaina had gotten distracted with other urgent stuff aswell as everyone else. It hardly seemed as though she would be a racehorse the only thing the others saw was a crazy wild horse with an attitude. 

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#239574 Posted on 2021-05-21 06:21:42

     Snow's trot around the paddock had quickly turned into a canter. It was hard to canter in the small space, but somehow, she made it work. She saw Diva and Vinn out on the track, and she wanted to get back out there. However, when she saw no one coming to collect her, she grew impatient. She began to neigh loudly, not caring if anyone else witnessed her craziness, in hope it would force someone to check up on her. For a while, Snow's fest continued until she noticed no one was coming. She snorted in frustration and went back to cantering. 

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#239579 Posted on 2021-05-21 07:27:37

     Diva stopped for a moment only to look around and see who was around. The only one was Snow. After that long minute in time, Diva went right back up to what she was doing as she hated to be tied up, and to be forgotten. Diva remembered when she was social, kind, and caring. But sadly those days where gone. Her life would never be the same even if she was the next champion.
     An hour later Diva eventually pulled the lead rope lose. Through all her moving had loosen it and it eventually gave up hold. "Finally!," she exclaimed loudly as she began to trot away. She held her head up as if she was trying to smell something in the air. Diva kept neighing and slowed herself to a walk then a stop. She looked around not far from where Alaina had tied her up. She should of know better Diva thought.
     Diva glanced at the mare pasture seeing Snow. How can that mare always have all that energy? she thought. Diva turned her ear in a different direction hearing Alaina and Dozer coming. Quickly she galloped back to the post and stood there. Alaina came over and saw that the rope had gotten untied but saw how Diva acted as if it was still tied. Alaina had no idea about Diva's past, and knew nothing about her. But that Charlotte, she somehow understand Diva and Diva somehow understood her.

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#239701 Posted on 2021-05-24 09:12:50

 As Snow cantered around, she was brought back to her even younger days, when she was only months old. The human who'd bred her was one of the best humans she'd ever met. He was kind, gentle, and he taught her many things. Instead of punishing her whenever she would behave badly, he would encourage her to act better in a way that wouldn't make her feel bad. She had a lot of space to run around, and she and her mother were happy. When Snow found out she'd been bought, she was upset and frustrated. However, the human that bred her had promised a new start. A wonderful life where she would be remembered and respected by everyone. Snow liked the sound of that. Right now, though, she didn't see that life. 
     She saw a life where she would compete with her stablemates for glory, and she probably wouldn't win. That's horrible, stop thinking like that Snow! She mentally scolded. She put a pause on her cantering and looked over at Diva. She began wondering about the mare. Was her life as happy as Snow's was? Was she glad to have been bought or did she want to go back to her old life. Sure, Diva seemed a bit unbearable, but who knows what she'd gone through before coming here. The thought made Snow feel some empathy. 

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#239703 Posted on 2021-05-24 11:41:18

     Snow's owner was the complete opposite of Diva's. She used to be a happy little filly, but that quickly changed when she was getting broken in. Her owner was very rude, and didn't care for her much. Diva was punished a lot, for doing nothing. She could remember being tied to a post in the hot sun with nothing around. Diva hated to think of her past. Even though she didn't seem like it, Diva was filled of joy to live somewhere where everyone is nice.
     Before Diva was led away by Alaina once sh finally returned, she looked at Snow. Her eyes didn't show and give the feeling they always did, but instead sadness. She hated her old owner, she had even bucked and bit her old owner many times. She was indeed a happier here, but her life would never be like it once was.
     Being a racing champion was always Diva's dream. She wanted others to respect her, which she never had in her life. She wanted to show her old owner was she was capible of. Diva looked away from Snow as she was being led away back to her lonely stall, lonely life, and the life she wish she never had. Diva could tell Snow's old owner was a complete opposite from hers. 
     A bit later Dozer came running into the mare stable, and came right up to Diva. 
     "Your going to be running in your first race next week," he said a bit excitedly as his tail wagged. Diva got up after laying down in her stall and stuck her head out to look down at him.
     "Really?" she asked a bit happier and excited. She was finally starting to live the life she always wanted. It was very unlike Diva to get excited and happy. She reared and neighed not like she always did, but because she was very happy and excited. Maybe I was born for a reason she thought.

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#239719 Posted on 2021-05-24 16:52:04

     When Snow heard Diva neigh loudly, she wondered whether it was from anger or annoyance. Somehow, though, she guessed that wasn't it. This neigh sounded much more lively and joyful, which got Snow thinking about what Diva was told that made her so happy. She didn't spend too much time thinking about it and instead settled in the pasture, munching on some of the green grass and reliving her younger, lighthearted days. 

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#239730 Posted on 2021-05-25 03:29:27

     Diva looked out of her stall after Dozer left. She looked out of the stable and saw Snow. She sighed and lowered her head. Diva heard footsteps and quickly changed her stance as she was now standing tall like she does. She looked at the groom who walked by and swished her tail slightly. Once the groom left Diva went back to how she was. Why was she thinking of her past so much right now? Oh wait, it was being tied up at the post for what seemed like forever. It reminded her of being tied up for hours in the sun almost everyday.
     Do the others really hate me? Am I like a bully to them? Diva came to thinking. Suddenly it was like Diva was changing instead of hiding her emotions she began to show. In fact, she didn't really know emotions except for what she felt in her past. She looked at Snow again and wondered what it would be like to grow up with a kind and caring owner like Snow's.
     Night fell, and it was a long night for Diva. She couldn't sleep and moved around in her stall constantly. She kept thinking of her past mixed in with being a champion. It was too much. It was too stressful.

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#239742 Posted on 2021-05-25 09:13:06

     As night fell and Snow was washed, groomed, and taken into her stall, she began to think once more about the two mares she knew. She only knew Vinn's name, nothing else, but so far she seemed excitable. Diva, on the other hand, was the complete opposite. She seemed quite vain and intolerable, in Snow's opinion. However, she did take past life and owners into account. Maybe Diva just acted the way she did because of her past owner. The thought made Snow feel somewhat uncomfortable. She'd never dealt with that so she didn't know how it felt. 
     The mare looked at Diva, who didn't seem to be able to fall asleep, and snorted to gain her attention. "Nice going in the practice race today. You did really good, honestly" Snow figured she'd start by trying by trying to warm up to Diva, and she hoped showing praise toward her would be the right first step. "You seem to have a lot of determination. That's good. I hope it means you won't give up on your goal." 

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#239743 Posted on 2021-05-25 09:25:46

     "Thanks, I guess," Diva said once she popped her head out of the stall keeping her head down low. Doesn't everyone hate me? she thought Why is she being nice to me after me being rude to her? Diva could hardly remember what her few months as a happy horse were like. She sighed and looked out of a window she could see looking at the track, then she looked at Snow. The mare held her head higher as she did so. She didn't really know what to say so she just gave a nod.

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#239745 Posted on 2021-05-25 09:53:02

     Snow stared at Diva for a while longer before she nodded. "Right then, I'm off to sleep. I'll see you in the morning" she turned to the wall and hung her head low. She fell asleep shortly after. She dreamt about one day becoming a race horse, winning almost every race she was entered in, and reuniting with her old owner one last time. 

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#239747 Posted on 2021-05-25 10:04:06

     Diva lifted her head up more and perked her ears watching Snow as she went to go sleep. The mare felt something strange inside of her. What was it? What Diva didn't know was that it was love and kindness. She didn't know what that felt like. She turned her head to look at the track again and decided to try and sleep. She turned around in her stall, and laid down in the bedding. She closed her eyes and fell asleep within minutes. 
     A few days later with more training it was finally the day. Hernando and Aiden the exercise rider came into the stable. Diva was already up and neighed in joy as it finally the day where she would run in a real race. Charlotte groomed her after Aiden brought her over then tacked her up. Hernando got on and Aiden led the mare and rider to the track to get some more practice in for later. Hernando just had Diva canter at first then let her gallop. Not too fast tho, he wanted to surprise their copponents with her ability and to save it for the real race. Diva was so excited and as she walked by with Hernando on her back, she gave the other horses looks as she stood tall.

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