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Locked in Love Rp

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Locked in Love Rp

#170325 Posted on 2018-05-13 14:15:16

Super Nova
She grinned, tossing her mane happily. She was a bit frustrated when he moved off, but that was okay. She had talked to him and obviously made a decent impression. Nova turned to her water bucket and drank deeply, mouth dry from the excitement.

Odissi turned at the sound of a stallion's voice at her stall. Oh, well. So much for avoiding the hubbub. She faced the front of her stall, but didn't go any closer to the bars. "Odissi." She decided not to encourage a long conversation, and kept her answer short and to the point. 

Kin laughed, opening his mouth to reply when the alpha came up behind him. Kin turned and got Saju's underlying message, seeing the irritated flick of his tail and the impatience in his eyes. "I'll talk to you later, Celaena," Kin said, stepping away from the stall. He nodded to Saju humbly, but there was no hiding the flash of anger in his eyes. Kin turned away, casting a glance about the barn in search of another female. He had been planning on leaving soon anyways, but he disliked being forced to move. 

"Nice to meet you, too, Sakura." Umi tilted his head slightly, looking at Sakura intently. Unlike some of the other stallions, his study wasn't on her physical appearance. "Are you okay?" he asked gently, lifting his head just enough to get the loose black curls out of his blue eyes. 

Last edited on 2018-05-13 at 14:22:11 by Oswin

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#170326 Posted on 2018-05-13 14:17:46

“Cheveyo” she responded meekly to the stallion. She studied him from under her long lashes. He was a blue roan like her. 

He scanned the stalls, seeing the champagne they where all crooning over, but not going over. He walked over a stall where a mare stood, no other stallions having come over (Cheese Cake). Hey there. I’m Haunting. What might your name be?” He questioned in a friendly manner. 

She stayed at the back of her stall, glad no one had come over to her. It helped that her black coat blended in with the shadows at the back, she figured, one blue eye cautiously watching the front of the stall. Her curved ears perked slightly as she heard a stallion approach Mackerel, then they returned to an uninterested pose. 

Last edited on 2018-05-13 at 14:24:48 by Midnight Outlaw

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#170328 Posted on 2018-05-13 14:34:39

Bazku || Stallion

Nodding as the mare introduced herself he scooted foreward a bit more looking over her and smiling his flashy smile. “Well Odissi is a perfect name for a pretty mare like you....” stuttering like normal he bobbed his head up and down stepping closer as close as the stall would allow him to and thrusted his muzzle into the opening inhaling her warm scent. “You smelll like flowers...” face heating up at what he realized he judt said Bazku backed up blushing under his chestnut tobiano hair gulping nervous clawing him for the stupid comment he made. 

Sakura || Mare

Nodding as Umi mentioned it was nice to meet her. “Everything’s fine incept for this stall I want out to stretch and eat green grass not this stale and algae water.” Sadness flowed in her brown eyes as they looked with Umi’s blue ones shaking the feeling away thst she got whenever she talked about the mares harsh conditions. “So tell me about yourself.” Smiling at Umi and shaking her black mane to the side she watched him with eagerness shining through her brown eyes hoping this stallion would bid on her. “You have a pretty name....I mean good name that suits you.” Not knowing how to complaint the stallion that eel since she wasn’t a flutter like most of the mares that getting a Stallions attention was easy for them but, for Sakura it was out of her ball park flirting was a foreign concept to her not knowing what to properly say to keep there attention.

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#170330 Posted on 2018-05-13 14:50:16

No matter what this bay stallion said, Raevyn still felt like a bird in a cage. She could see freedom, but she couldn't reach it, not without the help of a stallion, and she didn't like that fact. Raevyn hated being dependent on others. Yet here she was, agreeing to this deal. She shifted in place, splashing in what was left of the puddle she'd created. Her water bucket was somewhere behind her, discarded on the floor like the unwanted reminder of captivity that it was.

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#170331 Posted on 2018-05-13 14:54:44

He chose not to comment on his hatred of the stalls for fear of being overheard. He smiled at Sakura as she continued talking. "Thank you," he replied easily. "My mother chose it." His mother had raised him well, lovingly, even though his father had been distant. She had died in one of these stalls. Umi had warm memories of his mother, and he sometimes wished she were still alive. It was probably better she wasn't, however, or she would still be stuck in this routine. Now she was free. "I hope you can be out in the pastures soon enough."

She watched him, a bit puzzled at first as to why he was acting so strangely. She waited for him to be done speaking and then replied bluntly, "I hope you have allergies, then." Odissi was a bit tired of this whole ordeal and ready to go wander the forest, so she didn't make any attempts to filter her sarcasm.

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#170335 Posted on 2018-05-13 15:07:21

 "'Beautiful'," she repeated as he walked away, unconvinced. The mare took a sip of water, used to the horrible taste and slimy consistency. It had become a familiar experience over the years, and as she removed her muzzle from the bucket, she huffed in bitter amusement.

 Serval heard the sound of a hoof striking metal, and he backed away from the draft-type mare, shooting her one last glance before ambling towards the origin place of the sound. He dipped his head in greeting to the buckskin mare. I guess she's attractive... I guess. I don't even know. Help me. He cleared his throat before speaking to her.
 "Hi, my name's Serval. Um, on a scale of one to ten, how much do you want a foal?"

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#170337 Posted on 2018-05-13 15:08:10

She ventured to the front of the stall in order to take a drink, and drank deeply, despite the water being warm and the bucket full of algae. She then moved  to the back of the stall again. She pawed slightly to ease her restlessness but made no sound. No way she wanted to attract any attention from the stallions. 

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#170338 Posted on 2018-05-13 15:23:26

He spotted a mare in the back, where the sunlight streaming in didn't quite reach. She was pitch black, and from here he could see the blue eyes. From here it seemed she had a good, strong build. She was quite tall, too. Her mane and tail were wavy. A colt from this mare would be strong and hardy, he guessed. Kin's eyes were set on having Celaena, but if the alpha snagged her Kin needed a back-up. Kin approached the dark mare's stall and noted the scars now that he was close. Ah, was this the one mare that was notorious for causing problems? "Hello," Kin greeted the black mare, flashing her a smile. 

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#170343 Posted on 2018-05-13 16:23:30

The mare shot an almost apologetic look to the smaller stallion as he left, blatantly ignoring the alpha - he may have been the stallions alpha, but he would never be hers, not if she could prevent it. 

"I'm trying to get out as many mares as possible." He spoke quietly, although not for fear of being heard by the others. "Do you know of any mares that particularly want to leave?" He couldn't free them all, he knew that. But he would try his best to help whatever mares he could.

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#170345 Posted on 2018-05-13 16:40:33

Saju || Alpha 

Running his brown eyes over Celaena he stomped his hoof on the ground before his clearing his throat “I’m Saju the alpha stallion and who might you be?” Swiishing his palomino colored tail behind him and shaking his mane so it fell onto both sides standing up straighter with a grin. Dipping his head towards her he flashed his smile before running his brown eyes over her body once more with a grin. “Change of plans my stallions of the herd.” Making his way to the front of the barn so he could get everyone’s attention. “This year were not setting the mares free but, if you choose to produce a foal is up to you but the stallions who want a foal then the mare must obey. But, whoever objects can leave the herd and I guarantee your good as dead out on your own.” Standing up and letting the taught muscles show under his palomino colored hair Saju bobbed his head turning to Haunt his beta the one he trusted the most. Get the first mare Odissi please.” Stepping back and watching with his brown eyes the show about to begin.

Bazku || Stallion 

Feeling the heat drain from his face as Odissi made the remark Bazku stepped back gulping “I’m not allergic but you are very pretty.” Stepping back as he heard the alpha stallions words. Brown eyes widening as he heard what Saju said face frowning but not objecting he moved to the other side making room so the mare could go to the middle and be shown to the potential stallions that could bid on her. In his head Bazku began making a list of possible mares he could try to bid for and hoping no stallion would challenge him for one. But, with his luck one might snorting and waiting for the first mare to be lead into the middle. 

Sakura || Mare

Smiling and what Umi said she blinked her brown eyes into his blue ones with trust. Gulping as she heard the Stallions words that chilled her to the core Sakura backed up her feet planted in her stall like she had grown roots beneath her feet obviously not wanting to see Stallions fighting over a mare of more than one spoke for her. Eyes locking with Umi she shook fear shining in her brown eyes. Hoping Umi would pick her when it was her time to go out and that no other stallion tried for her. Eyes closing she shifted back to avoid seeing the stallions fight at all costs. 

Zapata || Mare
Watching as the stallion came up to her she gulped at the question “ Well it’s not exactly on my bucket list on this point first of all is getting out of this cramped stalll so I’d rank having a foal the least and last thing on the list.” Stating it rather snappily at Serval Tilting her head at why he would ask such an absurd question. Rolling her brown eyes and shaking her black mane and swishing her tail with agitation. Hearing Saju’s words Zapata glanced to Odissi “You’ll be fine I promise... “ hoping that was true she shifted forward to see the fight if one or more stallions would bid on Odissi.

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#170351 Posted on 2018-05-13 17:04:55

“Hello yourself and see how you like it” she snorted at the stallion. Her ears pinned slightly at the Alpha’s words, then moved back into their normal position. She tensed her muscles. And so it had begun. 

“Of course” he snorted easily at the Alpha, moving to the mare’s stall. He opened it, beckoning for her to come out with a twitch of his ears. He lashed his tail slightly to show he was ready to force her if need be. 

She trembled slightly at the Alpha’s words, then watched as the Beta beckoned the first mare out. She was anxious wondering who would bid on her. And anxious for any fighting that would break out. 

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#170355 Posted on 2018-05-13 17:13:17

He stepped away from the dark mare and moved toward the front of the barn once more. He liked the mare's fighting spirit, but... His thoughts drifted at this point. He wasn't planning on bidding on this first mare, so he wasn't paying too much attention. Kin glanced over at Celaena's stall, hoping Saju had decided to take another. While the black mare in the back would do, she was no Celaena. Celaena's coat perfectly complimented his own golden bay, like he had noted earlier, and the fact the alpha had shown interest in her made Kin extremely jealous. If Saju wanted her, he had no chance. Nobody could challenge the alpha. Kin smiled at Celaena from where he stood, then turned his attention to the center where the mares would stand.

Super Nova
She pranced eagerly in her stall. Would Saju choose her? She desperately hoped so. This waiting was going to torment her as she watched the other mares go. She simply couldn't wait! While she was excited, she was also nervous. What if he didn't? The beta stallion hadn't even so much as looked at her, and the alpha had been the only stallion to talk to her. She tossed her blonde mane and focused on the fact that she might get chosen by Saju.

He watched Sakura shake, obviously scared, and the anger returned. He wished he could do something, but Umi knew he was no match for all the other stallions who liked the system. The best he could do was help the mares he encountered. As Saju made his announcement, Umi's anger became fire, burning in his mind. And why can't we free the mares, Saju? What is so wrong with that? Nothing. But you just want to make their lives miserable. Umi nodded complacently in response to the announcement, moving among the other stallions to where the bidding would take place.

Odissi sighed as Saju called her name first. To be honest, the new "rule" didn't surprise her at all. Her only hope was that she wasn't claimed by a stallion, then. Haunt opened her stall and Odissi walked out calmly. "No need for that," she said quietly as she brushed past him in response to his tail flick. The other mare's call didn't do much for Odissi, she wasn't stressed in the first place, but she appreciated the gesture. Odissi walked to where she was supposed to stand, head held high and eyes focused on the wall at the end of the barn. Let's get this over with. 

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#170356 Posted on 2018-05-13 17:15:58

Celaena would have been a fool to think noone would bid on her - Kin clearly wanted a foal with good breeding, and she had seen a few others eyeing her up. Not the Alpha. She prayed, pacing relentlessly, anxiety now showing through. Anyone but the Alpha.

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#170358 Posted on 2018-05-13 17:22:01

“Thank you” he murmured quietly when she went out nicely. He waited to see if anyone would bid on her. And noted Kin’s glance at the champagne. He knew the Alpha had also looked at the mare, as had many others, so he was curious to see what would happen. 

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#170360 Posted on 2018-05-13 17:28:55

Bazku || Stallion

Seeing Odissi step into the middle with such dignity his brown eyes softened a bit as he watched her holding her head and standing calmly in the middle. Stepping forward the chestnut tobiano paint bobbed his head once “I’ll claim her unless anyone wants to challenge me...” brown eyes locking with Odissi’s he smiled poking around the circle at others hoping everyone would stay to themselves so he didn’t have to fight that was least on his plans he had. Straightening up and standing taller he puffed his chest trying to let his muscles gleam under his coat to show others he was serious about getting her. 

Saju || Alpha

The palomino watched as Bazku a member stepped forward “Any other takes for Odissi?” Tilting his head and shaking his palomino colored body and tossing his head to encourage the others it was okay to bid for her. Stepping back and waiting to see if any other claims were going to be made if not Odissi was Bazku’s plain and simple no violence needed to be shed over this mare that stood in the middle.

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