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Locked in Love Rp

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Locked in Love Rp

#170255 Posted on 2018-05-12 20:54:59

The beginning starts off with the Alpha stallion walking with his beta and leading the stallions to the barn to begin the bidding for the mares. Meanwhile the mares are kept in a locked stall with a small water bucket and hay with bars so that they can see out of the stall but can’t get to testy when having the meet and greet with the stallions. When auction time comes the beta opens the stall and escorts the mare out into the open for bidding.

Bidding Lingo
Horses don't actually "bid", but more so fight. If a stallion wants a mare, he says he claims her. If some other stallion wants her, then he claims a challenge, and they fight. If multiple stallions want a mare, they all fight at once. It is not a fight to the death, and no stallion needs to be fatally injured. Once the Alpha or Beta declares the winner, the fight is over and the next mare is brought up. Alpha and Betas do not have to fight. 

Herd Rankings
Alpha Stallion
● Saju || Daphne101
Alpha Mared
● Chosen In RP
Beta Stallion
● Haunting || Midnight Outlaw
Beta Mare
● Chosen In RP
● Bazku || Daphne101
● Serval || Raptor
•Thunder ||Zeke
•Deure || Dragonfly
•Kin || Oswin 
•Umi || Oswin
•Sirocco || Bandit
• Janus || The Gaiaphage 
● Sakura || Daphne101
● Zapata || Daphne101
● Mackerel ||Raptor
• Outlaw || Midnight Outlaw
•Cheveyo || Midnight Outlaw
•Cheese Cakes ||Zeke
•Terei || Dragonfly
•Odissi || Oswin
•Super Nova || Oswin
•Raevyn || Bandit
•Celaena || The Gaiaphage

Last edited on 2018-05-13 at 03:37:23 by Daphne101

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#170256 Posted on 2018-05-12 21:10:40

Odissi dipped her muzzle into the bucket of water, pulling a long drought into her mouth and relishing the refreshing coolness as it slipped down her throat. These stalls were always horrible. So cramped and confined, especially for someone who preferred to roam. Odissi turned her back to the stall door, disinterested in the fact the stallions would be doing their annual walk-through. She wasn't opposed to conversing with them, but she wouldn't encourage them either. Odissi lowered her head to the ground and swept some hay into her mouth, grinding on it, bored out of her mind.

Super Nova
Nova waited expectantly by the barred viewing port of the stall. It was her first year, and she was impatient to see the stallions. Hopefully she could make a good impression on the alpha. Nova glanced into her water bucket to see if her golden mane looked neat enough. It would do. The dapple gray Arabian returned her gaze to the barn just outside her bars. 

He stood with the rest of the stallions, awaiting the start of the meet and greet. He was hoping to find the perfect mare to further his bloodline. Unfortunately last year the mare he had been interested in had been chosen by the alpha, so Kin had chosen another mare and set her free for the year. Maybe this year he might even get a challenge. That could be potentially interesting. Kin pawed the ground once with his hoof to take his weight off it momentarily.

Umi was not excited. He hated seeing the cages the stallions threw the mares into. He hated the bidding. The whole system was awful. The placid Gypsy Vanner stood at the very back of the group of stallions, the last one. Nobody knew that agreeable Umi harbored such rebellious thoughts, but he did, and he couldn't help it. He looked toward the barn a moment, unable to deny his curiosity at what mares were inside. He would much rather meet them in another way, but he couldn't do anything to stop this. He was just one horse, after all. 

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#170257 Posted on 2018-05-12 21:26:24

He pranced slightly as he waited with the other group of stallions. Sure, he didn’t like the way the mares where kept, but he was excited to see them anyways. He pawed slightly with one hoof, muscles rippling under his flashy grullo coat. He was ready for anything. 

She stood anxiously towards the front of her stall, waiting for the stallions. She didn’t like being caged, but there was no way she was gonna lead a rebellion. She was far to timid, and the stallions far to strong. She took a small sip of water, her deep brown eyes anxious on her blue roan face. 

She snorted, lashing out at the steel bars in anger, giving another large blast of a snort of satisfaction at the loud, metallic clang that rang out. She hated this, and she wasn’t about to acknowledge those stupid stallions. She paced as good as she could in the small stall, her long black tail lashing slightly in anger, muscles rippling under her sleek black coat, blue eyes smouldering on her large, flashily shaped head. 

Last edited on 2018-05-12 at 21:48:18 by Midnight Outlaw

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#170267 Posted on 2018-05-13 03:32:48

Thunder was raring and ready to go for the auction! This was his first auction, and he wanted to have a good impression on everyone, and maybe snatch a mare or two. It was hard for a rookie stallion like Thunder to grab a mare first try. Thunder was assuming that the mares were kept in a coral, but he wasn't sure.


Cheese anxiously pawed the stall, wanting nothing more than to get out of this horribly kept stall and to meet the stallions. In the round up, she saw a cute blue roan  stallion, and hoped she hoped she would end up with him. So to keep boredom at bay, she started to rank the stallions in her mind and imagined what baby she could have with the blue roan. Maybe a blue roan paint?

Last edited on 2018-05-13 at 05:35:08 by Zeke

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#170269 Posted on 2018-05-13 04:36:42

Saju || Alpha

Lifting his head from grazing at the sweet grass under him Saju shook his palomino colored body and blinked his brown eyes at the herd. “Today is the day that we’ve all been waiting for in the barn over there” tossing his head at the direction to where the rusty red barn stood on the hill that had the mares locked in with no chance of escape. “When we get there you have five minutes to introduce yourselves to as many mares as you can and then we begin. Dark brown eyes sparkling with power he dipped his head once the Thoroughbred and Quarter horse cross setting off in an canter to reach the barn that was within sight. 

Bazku || Stallion

The chestnut tobiano paint blinked his brown eyes as the stallion Saju began his speech and then set off at a canter towards the barn that held the mares. The flashy chestnut paint had splotches of white all over him in a unique pattern with a large chunk of white in the middle of his chestnut brown mane and his face having a white blaze going down it. Excitement at the thought of picking a mare coursed through the young stallions veins as he was a rookie like a few were in the herd hoping he could snatch up a mare that was stunning in his eyes. Setting off at a center after Saju the palomino stallion hoping that at least he could get one mare that he liked. 

Sakura || Mare

The shiny solid black mare incept for the small blaze on her face and left hind white stocking. Sakura stood in the back hoping to go over looked like last time the Stallions chose mares based on there looks and Sakura being mostly black wasn’t pretty like most of the paints and multi-colored mares in the barn. Stomping her hoof and shifting towards the back more in hopes to not be seen. The small feeling of being wanted by one stallion gnawed in her stomach. Sakura rested her head on the water bucket in sadness hoping one stallion would want her this time based on her charming and friendly personality but most stallions being block-heads chose purely on the looks and Sakura ranked lastly on the gene pool for flashy colors. 

Zapata || Mare 

The buckskin colored mare tossed her black mane to the side of her head that had bits of stale hay clinged in it. Snorting and looking at Super Nova to her right and Outlaw to her left she focused back on the middle. Hoping a stallion would take notice and pick her this being her first year. Resting her head on the stall door that had steel bars on to prevent injury to the stallion incase a mare tried to bite or kick out at a stallion. Zapata removed her head from the door watching the sliding barn doors to hopefully see them open and see the stallions soon to see her options that could possibly pick her.

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#170282 Posted on 2018-05-13 06:59:22

 Serval hung near the back of the group, with only one other horse behind him. His name is Umi, right? Yeah, Umi, he thought to himself, glancing at the stallion before quickly shifting his gaze back to the horizon, which was blocked by the crowd of eager stallions. He barely heard Saju's speech, though, despite his small size, he managed to peek over the stallions' heads and watch the alpha canter away to what Serval assumed was the mares' holding place - a large barn. No no no this is too soon can't we wait a few more minutes?!, his mind screamed, but he remained silent, hoping that the utter panic in his eyes went unnoticed.

 "Don't waste your energy," Mack muttered, eyeing Outlaw with disdain. Her stall was located directly to the left of the tall mare's, which was a shame, because if the unbroken, rebellious mare lashed out one more time, Mack was certain that she'd snap at her.
 "Let a mare relax, won't you?"

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#170284 Posted on 2018-05-13 07:45:59

Raevyn paced in her stall. It wasn't pacing, really, more like turning in a frustrated circle. Her ears were pinned back and she stamped her hoof on the hard floor. She hated this, hated the forced proximity to the other horses, hated the system, hated the stallions who ran it. Raevyn was by no means an obedient soul, nor a patient one, and she wanted out. Raevyn had already thrown the hay out of its net and onto the hard floor in frustration and was this close to doing the same to her water bucket. "I hate this," she hissed, her long, wavy black tail swishing angrily.

Sirocco followed the other stallions, trying to think. His mother's words rang in his mind, reminding him of her soft voice and gentle personality. Rocky knew what was coming, but he was by no means mentally prepared for this. Okay, calm down. Think logically. It will be fine.

Last edited on 2018-05-13 at 08:08:14 by ♪ Bandit ♪

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#170288 Posted on 2018-05-13 08:58:08

He loped after the rest of the group, his high step easily covering the ground. He was excited to see the mares. He watched the other stallions, trying to note who was first year who was on old hand at this. He then sped up so that he was behind the Alpha, although a respectful distance from him. 

She didn’t care at all for Mack’s words. Sure, she could see the other mare was about to snap, but almost wanted her to. It would be most amusing. So she again lashed out at the bars at the front of her stall, this time with both back feet. She spun to see what damage she’d done. Probably not much, as in this small stall she couldn’t use her full strength, but she was pleased to at least a scratch and the bars being the tiniest bit bent. It wasn’t much but it was something. 

She jumped slightly as a loud, metal clang sounded. There was a short silence, then another, louder. Obviously one of the mares was lashing out at the stall, and she craned her neck to try to see who, but was unable to. She looked at Raevyn on one side of her, muttering something, then looked at Zapata on the other side. 

Last edited on 2018-05-13 at 09:04:50 by Midnight Outlaw

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#170289 Posted on 2018-05-13 09:07:04

 Raevyn could hear another mare who seemed to be kicking at her stall. "That's it!" Raevyn snapped, knocking over her water bucket and pacing harder, faster. "I'm done! Done with all of this!" Raevyn paused her pacing, watching the water spill onto the hard floor in satisfaction before stomping her hoof, which made the puddle splash.

Last edited on 2018-05-13 at 09:11:41 by ♪ Bandit ♪

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#170290 Posted on 2018-05-13 09:33:46

 "You're all so convinced that stomping and kicking and complaining will do something. Take it from me: it won't," she said gruffly, ignoring Outlaw and instead lifting her head to address the pacing mare on the other side of the barn.
 "Stop acting like this is a new system. It's been around for ages. If it could be overthrown, it would have been by now."

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#170291 Posted on 2018-05-13 09:41:04

“Never said I thought it would.” She snorted. And she knew it wouldn’t. But the old grouch was wrong about one thing. The system would be overthrown. She was gonna get out of this idiotic system or die trying, no questions bout it. She wasn’t just gonna sit around her whole life and take this. She lashed out at the bars again with one front hoof, then drank a small sip of water before resuming pacing as good as she could while her brain worked overtime on a plan. 

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#170293 Posted on 2018-05-13 09:57:49

Thunder was mid pack with the other stallions, galloping at a slower pace. If he wanted to, he could easily over take the others. They were getting close enough to the barn that he could smell the mares in the barn. A few paces, and he could hear banging of metal and squealing. He hoped he could get a friendlier mare for his first year, but anything would work.


Her day dreaming was interrupted by loud banging and ear piercing squealing. She sighed and rolled her eyes. She started to nibble on the hay, when she heard galloping of hooves. She pranced in her stall, trying to check her reflection in the water bucket. Her stomach was full of butterflies from nervousness. The sound of galloping was getting closer by the second.

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#170297 Posted on 2018-05-13 10:52:17

Her hooked ears pinned slightly as she heard the sound of hooves. Great, those uppity stallions where close. She hoped she wouldn’t get chosen by anyone, which was a very nice possibility with both her rebellious nature and her being just a pitch black. 

Her ears perked at the sound of hooves, and she stopped munching her hay. She went over to her water bucket and carefully checked her reflection. After having done that she took several sips of the water, waiting nervously. 

He was glad to see they where getting close to the barn. He couldn’t wait to see the mares, and hopefully get a few nice lookin ones, so long as Saju didn’t want them. Being Beta, he would get second dibs on mares. 

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#170299 Posted on 2018-05-13 11:00:55

He listened to Saju's speech, anger bubbling in his stomach. He could see the alpha from back here, him being taller than most of the other breeds of stallions. The way the alpha's eyes glinted, the indifference toward the mares' well-being, added to Umi's irritation. His features, however, appeared quite relaxed, ears perked and tail still. When the stallions surged forward, Umi followed at a slow trot. His blue eyes were fixed on the barn doors ahead, and his ears perked as he picked up the faint sounds of the restless mares. He didn't blame them for being frustrated. He wouldn't want to be forced into a tiny stall, either. 

As Saju continued to talk, Kin's restlessness increased. He shifted from hoof to hoof until at last Saju took off toward the barn. The golden bay stallion leaped forward, galloping toward the red wooden structure with anticipation. "You have five minutes to introduce yourself to as many mares as you can." This meant that Kin had no time to putter around the plainer mares. His strategy every year was to skip to the mares with the best colors, conformation, and it was a bonus if they were a bit rowdy. Kin flicked his tail with excitement, hooves barreling into the ground as he raced toward the barn.

Odissi had gone to the front of her stall and watched the ruckus with slight interest. She was placed in the stall next to the pacing mare. Her sympathies laid with Mackerel. It was pointless to fight this system. Did the other mares think rebellions hadn't been attempted throughout the years? They had, and hadn't succeeded. Odissi turned away from the bars when her ears picked up the sound of galloping. The stallions were coming. Yay, Odissi thought sarcastically, picking up some hay and nibbling on it.

Super Nova
She ignored the other mares and their silly arguments. Why weren't they excited? She did, however, listen. Just in case. These mares were ready to break from their bondage, and if things didn't work out as Nova planned, just maybe she could lead the mares into rebellion. But there was no need to jump into something so foolish yet. She had other plans lined up. Nova's ears pricked up at the sound of hooves pounding the ground and she turned toward the barn door. Luckily, her stall was placed very near the doors, and she would be one of the first to be greeted by the stallions. Her heart picked up speed just a little with excitement. The alpha would be the first one in, no doubt. She had to make a good impression. 

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#170300 Posted on 2018-05-13 11:11:15

With the stallions approaching quickly, Celaena was torn - she knew that if she stayed quiet she would attract less attention, but behaving was going against all of her morals, against everything she stood for and was raised to believe. So she would stay quiet when the stallions entered, if just for now. "Either relax or be quiet." She hissed to the pacing mare across from her. "You know they all look at attention seekers first."

Janus wasn't necessarily fussed on collecting mares like the others were, although his family would be absolutely livid to know that he would rather free mares than selectively carry on lineage. He lagged at the back, already feeling more than uncomfortable at the mares anxious sounds as the stallions made their way towards the barn. His plan today was to try and assure some of the more stressed mares that there were stallions bidding to free them, though whether they would believe him or not was debatable.

Last edited on 2018-05-13 at 11:12:41 by The Gaiaphage

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