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*A better balance to finding special items

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*A better balance to finding special items

#102644 Posted on 2017-04-27 04:15:26

I noticed that since the recode, special items like Loki's dagger & peppermints have become increasingly rare, if not virtually impossible to find.

I really liked how in the old EV they were a rare find, but they were not impossible to get your hands on if you really needed them. You could save up some cash and buy them for a reasonable price or do leasure rides on a regular basis to find them.
Now the prices of both these items have skyrocketed. I remember being able to buy daggers for 50k and peppermints for as little as 1 or 2k a piece.

On the new EV, I haven't found one Loki's dagger, and as far as I remember I only found peppermints once or twice. Maybe I'm doing something wrong here? O.o

Other special items like sugarcubes, unicorn pony plushes and haycubes are so common that they're basically worthless.
While I do use haycubes on my foals (...because peppermints are now so rare / expensive that I can't afford to feed them to all my foals), the only way to get rid of unwanted haycubes & plushies is to dump them in the junkyard.

I would love to have a better balance here.

It would be awesome to be able to find or win very rare items (collector's plush, rare treats) maybe once or twice a year.

As for the others items (special treats, Loki's dagger...), I get that these are rare items and they shouldn't just pop up every couple of days, but I would love to find one just every once in a while instead of virtually never.

So, please let us find / win / earn LESS haycubes, sugarcubes & unicorn plushies and more Loki's daggers and peppermints.

Last edited on 2017-08-10 at 11:20:30 by River

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#102781 Posted on 2017-04-28 14:54:57

I'm all for less hay cubes/sugar cubes/unicorn plushies, but I'm hesitant to agree with more rare items being found/won/ect. I just don't like changes to established rarity systems. But anyway, I support this.

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#102820 Posted on 2017-04-29 00:03:36

That's my point: It WAS an established system that was changed.
Peppermints and LD's were rare, but not to a point where they were crazy expensive & virtually impossible to find.

We have some very, very rare items like Easter bouquet, certain plushies... and I'm absolutely fine with those staying that rare.
I would just love to bring back the older system.

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#102909 Posted on 2017-04-30 04:34:31

The problem then is that Peppermints become relied on, and the plan was to shy away from relying on what was supposed to be a "special" treat. Keeping them this rare keeps them special.

If I made them less rare then what is actually the point in having the standard treats? I might as well just make Peppermints the base treat.. and then there would be a call to bring back Easter bouquets and make them less rare.. the cycle goes on?

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#102917 Posted on 2017-04-30 06:56:17

I kind of see your point, but I don't recall them ever being considered standard. They were considered special / rare, but not as rare as for example the Easter bouquets.

It shouldn't be a never ending cycle of making items less rare. I just think that finding special items & treats was balanced better in the old EV.

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#102925 Posted on 2017-04-30 07:42:00

We used to have members who would ONLY feed peppermints to their horses, which to me is a standard. I understand that's not all members by any means, but if a member can do that easily then it's not rare enough to be classed as just a special/rare treat.

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#103032 Posted on 2017-05-01 00:08:11

Feeding a horse peppermints for every day of it's live would cost you 147.000 EVD, if the price were 1k per peppermint. I don't remember the price of normal treats on the old EV, but with current prices of 40 EVD per treat it would cost 5880 to feed a horse normal treats.
To me that still sounds like a special treat if you compare the costs. Getting that many peppermints would take a lot of saving up & a large investment and by no means "easy".

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree :)

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#103046 Posted on 2017-05-01 06:51:31

I support:

I would like rarer items to be easier to find, but not too easy! Some items are, as you said, virtually impossible to find, and I think it would be a good idea to raise the chances. For the rarest items, I think it only should be raised a little, (like Daggers) because Abbey still needs to make money off this game. For plushies and peppermints, I haven't seen anyone with certain plushies, and I think the chances should be raised just a little bit. For peppermints, it should be raised more, because peppermints ARE special, but it annoys me that I don't earn enough money to buy peppermints for all my horses even for one day, I don't have the money. Of course, I don't treat ALL my horses, but the point is, peppermints are too expensive for many of us, and we barely ever find them.

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#103737 Posted on 2017-05-04 22:45:06

^ Yeah, the daggers (or equivalent) were way too common on the old game. They definitely shouldn't be that common. I recall it got to the stage where they were so common they were being sold for about 20k each in the market, despite being worth 2 or 3 credits. I kept picking them up on rides and didn't bother to sell them as it just wasn't worth it. I've still got 25 of them. XD I'm slowly getting through them.

I don't support changing rarities to what they were on the old game, but I think there's no harm in going through the rarities/availability of all the items and just reassessing if they need tweaking. Most should stay as is, some could probably do with being slightly rarer or more common, maybe a few need major changes. Maybe not. But it can't hurt to look.

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#111525 Posted on 2017-06-27 18:06:39

Since we now have seasons, perhaps having some of the rarer items appearing in leisure riding fluctuate depending on the season (also: having the areas in leisure riding reflect the current season).

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#111548 Posted on 2017-06-27 20:45:36

i'm not seeing alot of use with trail rides outside of riding school our stables offer, riding school offers stats and definitely more (rare)treats while leisure rides(trail rides) not even occasional good coins purse or earning an occasional stats which i think should change especially for basic accounts.Maybe an occasional 1 stat here and there and coins purse should fluctuate a little and not just 20 coins maybe maxed to 100 coins and fluctuate from there on in amounts
Almárë  that explains that lol with regards to rarer items only showing up based seasonal

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#111583 Posted on 2017-06-28 07:34:11

With the peppermint problem, can you not apply the same problem to sugar/hay cubes? A lot of players only feed cubes to their horses, it acts the same as a peppermint treat with a couple less stats. Personally I'd like to see those be less commonly gained, especially since they're not sold in the market as such and not really a special treat as such. I might just be biased being a showing person trying to find a couple non-hay cubed foals, but I really think the excess in cubes is contributing to the lack of showing since they just don't win. People just use the riding school and cubes as a shortcut to higher stats regardless. 

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