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Looking for foals? (Chincos/DWBs/Trakes/Welsh)

ForumsHorse Classifieds → Looking for foals? (Chincos/DWBs/Trakes/Welsh)

Looking for foals? (Chincos/DWBs/Trakes/Welsh)

#99879 Posted on 2017-04-04 12:54:27

I've got about 19 foals I need to sell. 3 Chincoteagues, 6 5 Dutch Warmbloods, 2 Trakehners, and 8 Welsh Ponies. I haven't officially put them up for sale yet, but if you're interested in any of these just message me what you want to buy them for. You can get them at a much lower price now then they'll be at when I put them up got sale.

Last edited on 2017-04-05 at 06:15:08 by Crossroad Farms

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Crossroad Farms

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#99928 Posted on 2017-04-04 18:04:31

How much for Limited Edition? :o

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#99932 Posted on 2017-04-04 18:33:31

PMd you RemRem :)

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Crossroad Farms

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#99965 Posted on 2017-04-04 22:17:19

How much do you want for CF Irreplacable and CF Lady Iron?

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#99975 Posted on 2017-04-05 05:48:06

Sending you a PM :)

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Crossroad Farms

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