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Laney and her art and how she disappeared?!

ForumsMiscellaneous Chat → Laney and her art and how she disappeared?!

Laney and her art and how she disappeared?!

#99854 Posted on 2017-04-04 07:36:01

Yes i know i have gone off the grid lately with EV and art and well EVERTHING. Yes i know my art has been super slooooow but i recently broke my pen to my tablet. (i may or may not have gotten mad at PS and threw the pen at the wall smashing the end in 0.0) But aside from that, yeah its broke, i need to order a new one, but i havent gotten around to it, and they cost lots of monies. But i will get art to those of you that have ordered. As for the reason i disappeared well i went on vacation. Another reason why i have not gotten everything complete is i missed two weeks of school and i have a TON of work to make up :P so just be patient with me and i will get your art to you eventually.

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