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Let's get to know each other better!

#99410 Posted on 2017-04-02 09:59:00

how did you get your usename? hmm.. I like hunting & am an outdoorsy person so Pistol it is! c:
any other usernames in the past? yup! first Blondie's Paints then Blondie. some people still know me as such.
kid or adult? teenager lol but I can be mature or immature whenever.
favorite color: probably a pale stone blue.
gender: female.
favorite animal: horses!
likes/dislikes: likes horses, drawing, singing, playing clarinet & piano, hunting, photography (if you want my facebook page message me >.>), soccer & outdoorsy stuff.
dislikes ignorance, arrogance, conceited people, mushrooms, spiders..

so overall my summary is I'm am outdoorsy teenage art & band geek who rides horses c:

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#99530 Posted on 2017-04-02 15:31:54

Edit Kid or adult? I am actually a teenager I did not know you could put that lol

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Eclipse Moon Stables

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#99554 Posted on 2017-04-02 15:41:52

How did you get your usename?: It's my real name with a crown. Wild- I know.

Any other usernames in the past?: For a short while I did not have a crown, it was just 'Richard'

Kid or adult?: Adult, and 20. But I mean, those who know me, know I'm more like a kid at heart.

Favorite Color: 1st Purple 2nd Green. These often switch places.

Gender: Male.

Favorite animal: Great White Sharks, Tigers, Horses all make the top 3 list.

Likes/dislikes: Any spider that is not a tarantula. I. Will. Freak. Out.

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♛ Richard

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#99592 Posted on 2017-04-02 16:06:51

@Richard - Another shark lover! Woo hoo!

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Valzed ❤️ 🐀 🐀

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#99607 Posted on 2017-04-02 16:25:19

@Valzed Yes!! They're awesome aren't they? I'm hoping this year or next to go swimming with Great Whites! I've swam with other sharks before, but not Great Whites! They're on the top of the bucket list! What's your favourite breed of shark, if you've got one?

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#100001 Posted on 2017-04-05 09:20:52

Sorry, Richard! I hadn't checked this post in a day or so. I sent you a PM so I didn't high jack ~Forever Luna's post.

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Valzed ❤️ 🐀 🐀

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#100008 Posted on 2017-04-05 10:13:05

Really enjoyed reading more about everyone!! I also really love sharks!! I got to snorkel with a few in the Galapagos this past week - it was amazing! Also saw a hammerhead :)

How did you get your usename?
I like marigolds and I like sunshine!

Any other usernames in the past?
Oh here...moonshine. a ton others I'll never remember on other Sims I played in the past.

Kid or adult?
Adult type thing - not that I have anywhere close to having my life figured out. But I'm cool with that

Favorite Color:
Purple, the color of royalty. Lololol. Yeah jk but for reals purple is my.favorite color.

Lady! :)

Favorite animal:
Horses and sea lions - sea lions are sooo cute!

I like horses, hiking, traveling, rock climbing, coffee, sugary snacks, chocolate ummm! A lot of things. Water.
I dislike...snakes. they scary!

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#100022 Posted on 2017-04-05 12:34:36

How did you get your usename? I made it up for a ranch name I'll never get.
Any other usernames in the past? It used to be GWG Ranch then GWG Kanona but now its just GWG.
Kid or adult? Adult and married
Favorite Color: green
Gender: female
Favorite animal: horses and dogs
Likes/dislikes: I like photography and graphic design

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