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Let's get to know each other better!

#99315 Posted on 2017-04-01 17:11:43

How did you get your usename? I WOULD'VE been Luna, but someone else ALREADY WAS! I was irritated, but hey, they were here first so now i'm just experimenting with usernames. >_<
Any other usernames in the past? Oh, yes. Princess Celestia, Princess Celestia ♥ Snowy Celestia.
Kid or adult? I'm a kid and i'll always be a kid :)
Favorite Color: Black. Black is the color of darkness... The color of night.
Gender: Girl, you probs already knew that :)
Favorite animal: OWLLLLLLLZZZZ
Likes/dislikes I like... You! I dislike... Mean people

Feel free to add/remove from this list! Anyway... Start posting!

Last edited on 2017-04-17 at 11:23:44 by ~Forever Luna

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#99320 Posted on 2017-04-01 17:27:01

How did you get your usename? I've used this one for years. Somewhere along the line I decided I really liked the Cheshire Cat, still do. I used to go by C.h.e.s.h.i.r.e on gaia online when they used to allow names like that. Then they stopped allowing them and it bugged it out so I swapped to CheshireKttty (there was already a Cheshire). CheshireKitty was already taken, so I decided for 3ts and no i. I generally just automatically go with CheshireKttty now since it's less confusing for me when I log into places.
Any other usernames in the past? Generally just this one.
Kid or adult? I guess I'm technically an adult. But I'm still a kid at heart.
Favorite Color: PURPLE!!!!
Gender: Girl
Favorite animal: Horses! But I also love rats (I have 8), cats, and foxes... also owls and.... well there's not many animals I dislike. Except hamsters, they're evil.
Likes/dislikes: I like animals, horseback riding, anime, learning new languages (Japanese and Spanish), reading, crocheting, knitting, drawing, artsing in general, nerdy stuff (HUGE nerd... just about anything nerdy really).

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#99325 Posted on 2017-04-01 17:31:15

username story: it's a variation, different spelling, of my real name.
past username: a couple, but that was when I just started and was trying to find a username I really liked.
gender: female
kid or adult: almost an adult, a year and half to go. cx
favorite color: ummm... that's hard. I like soft pastel colors.
favorite animal: I like most animals, but my favorite has to either be horses, canines, or birds.
likes/dislikes: too many to name. but the main things I like are reading, writing, and cooking. my dislikes include mushrooms and narrow-minded, ignorant, hateful people.

I love this idea! it's always nice to meet and get to know other people.

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#99326 Posted on 2017-04-01 17:34:14

How did you get your usename? I love blue eyes on its not really creative lol.

Any other usernames in the past? this is my only account and only name :D

Kid or adult? Kid at heart, Adult in life

Favorite Color? green and black

Gender: GirL

Favorite animal: wolves!!

Likes/dislikes: reading and writing, lies and rudeness

what main breed/breeds of horses do you have here? Quarter Horses!

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#99343 Posted on 2017-04-01 17:58:41

How did you get your username: Well I really like birds and I wanted my name to have something to do with or have the word 'bird' in it. I also love royalty and since I always joke around with my parents when they call me a princess and I say that I'm not a princess I'm already a queen so boom Queen Bird
Any other usernames in the past: I used to go by Regime.Bird and still do on many other sites that I am on
Kid or adult: I guess I could be classified as a kid, but I'm nearly an adult
Favorite Color: Purple
Gender: Female
Favorite animal: Depends on the habitat, my favorite land animal is a Panda, my favorite aquatic animal is a Beluga Whale, and my favorite flying animal is an Oriole bird
Likes/dislikes: I have way too many likes but to name a few is Roleplaying, Drawing, and Reading. I dislike spiders (though I won't kill them) and people who give up too easily or just don't try

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#99348 Posted on 2017-04-01 18:06:42

How did you get your usename? First half is part of my first name & second half is part of my last name. Not very creative, I know.

Any other usernames in the past? In ye olde days on AIM I was bigfatmomma & I've also been VooDooVal. I don't really use them anymore. I've been Valzed forever now it seems.

Kid or adult? Officially I'm an adult (I'm in my 40s) but I'm a kid at heart.

Favorite Color: Black

Gender: Female

Favorite animal: Sharks. Then dogs, horses, hermit crabs and most other animals. Not a fan of most insects though....

Likes/dislikes: Likes: EV, crocheting, PC games, the moon, Godzilla / Dislikes: brussel sprouts, feet, judgemental or rude people

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#99356 Posted on 2017-04-01 18:35:21

How did you get your username? An old nickname I had in middle school and just kept.

Any other usernames in the past? Nope, but sometimes during the holidays or events I'll change it (Christmas Cat during Christmas time)

Kid or adult? Almost an adult

Favorite Color? Purple and dark blue

Gender: Female

Favorite animals: Horses, Cats, Dogs

Likes/dislikes: Likes: Horseback riding (jumping especially), reading, doodling, being outside. Dislikes: People who are rude, those horrible cockroaches, lies

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#99368 Posted on 2017-04-01 20:46:43

How did you get your usename? Ruby is the name of one of my very first horses ♥
Any other usernames in the past? Ehhhhhh kinda? Rubygirl16 was my original user but then it got shortened to just plain Ruby
Kid or adult? According to my left hip... ANCIENT
Gender: I am of the female species 8>
Favorite animal: Dragoooooooooooooons, horses, dogs, birds, LIZAARRDS andturtles
Likes/dislikes: Likes: Critters, nature, reading, arting, defeating my foes with my ample supply of glitter | Dislikes: wooden spoons, climbing up ladders, spiders -shivers-

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#99374 Posted on 2017-04-01 23:09:26

How did you get your username? Sue Heck is a character on a tv show called The Middle. She's totally me, we're both nerdy, awkward, and cheerful even when life gets us down (which it does a lot for both of us!) and we try really hard and never give up. She inspires me when I do feel like giving up. I started using RealLifeSueHeck as a username a while ago and when I joined EV I just shortened it.

Any other usernames in the past? I've always been SueHeck on EV!

Kid or adult? Adult technically but I rarely feel like one.

Favorite Color: If you've visited my page you won't be surprised to learn that my favorite color is purple, lol

Gender: female

Favorite animal: Pretty much all of them

Likes/dislikes: I like sim games like EV, reading science stuff, watching tv, singing, and being nice. I dislike talking on the phone (weird phobia I have), burnt food, the scent of hyacinths, and traffic jams.

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#99375 Posted on 2017-04-01 23:18:12

How did you get your username: I don't really know. I just was thinking and them, boom, I had it.

Any other usernames? Not so far.

Kid or Adult? I am a kid but my body is trying to say I am older.

Favorite color: Black\Purple

Gender: The female sort

Favorite AnimalHORSES

Likes\Dislikes Like chocolate, dislike people who don't understand Sarcasm

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#99389 Posted on 2017-04-02 06:13:11

How did you get your username: I don't really remember how I came up with it.

Any other usernames? Well yesterday I went as ⅈ ₜÅℙ℈ ℑℜ○○ℾ Ⅎ℀₤s ℑ◉ Mice.

Kid or Adult? I am a kid

Favorite color: Black/ Red I also like green

Gender: female

Favorite Animal MANN this is really hard lol I love wolves and horses but I also love cats so it is really hard to explain

Likes\Dislikes, like: animals, cars, video games, music

Dislikes rude: people, large crowds of people

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Eclipse Moon Stables

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#99391 Posted on 2017-04-02 06:25:35

How did you get your usename? Just going to copy/paste from my introduction post lol. First of all it's pronounced S-eye-b. Well, it came from my first game name, Siberian Husky 101. Yeah, I was like thirteen when I came up with that. Don't judge me.
Well, the lovely, behr was the first to come up with the nickname 'Sib'. Then, all of the sudden everyone is calling me Sib. By like early/late 2014, I had changed my game name to Sib, as it was catchy. As well as much easier to say than the other one.

Now my friends come up with all kinds of silly stuff, with it. Sibbers, Sibby, Sibster, Sibbeh, etc.
Any other usernames in the past? Siberian Husky 101, Egyptian Sib, Sib Husky Magix, Irish Setter 101, and then random ones I do for holidays.

Kid or adult?: Adult. I'll be 19 years old in May ;)

Favorite Color: Black, Turquoise, and Hotrod Red.
Gender: Female
Favorite animal: Wolves.
Likes: Collecting stuff (model cars, breyers, schleichs, guitars, shells, coins, etc), animals, volunteering at animal rescues, riding my horses, gaming, playing guitar, singing, and more.
Dislikes: Loud people, Spiders, Scorpions, snobby people...

Fun fact: I play the Acoustic and Electric guitar. I own around 12 of them. One is signed by my guitar teacher, who was in a local Blues band as the lead guitar player.

Added a fun fact, just for the sake of it.

Last edited on 2017-04-02 at 06:25:59 by Sib

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#99394 Posted on 2017-04-02 06:49:36

How did you get your usename? I happened to get my username, RemRem, from my favorite band Palaye Royale. The lead singer's name is Remington, but whenever I go out to meet him, I call him RemRem :)

Any other usernames in the past? Cathmor, Palaye Royale

Kid or adult? I'm an official adult but my brain tells me otherwise.

Favorite Color: Black, and lime green are the way to go.

Gender: Female

Favorite animal: How can anyone hate cows :')

Likes/dislikes: I like riding, being lazy, playing horse sim games, and roleplaying. OH! And Eggnog... its an obsession.
I don't dislike her, but I have a rivalry with my lesson horse, an appy named Penny... you will listen to me Penny...
I don't like game scammers in particular, and those who look down on others. You can bet I'll call you out. I also have this weird thing against dating? I don't do intimate relationships in general.

Last edited on 2017-04-02 at 06:50:14 by RemRem

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#99396 Posted on 2017-04-02 07:21:52

How did you get your usename?
In high school I tended to be really "mean" to some of my friends, like in a jokey full honest way. So I developed the nickname Lucifer from them, Luci (Like Lucy) for short. So why not? I think it's a cool, unique name. (Next to my spare account which is (Satan.Sneezes)

Any other usernames in the past?
Cryogenic ;; I used to use this account for horse storage (:

Kid or adult?
I'm an adult, as much as I don't wanna be. (19 in Oct)

Favorite Color:
Black and Blood red. ^_^ Teal is close behind.
Shockingly female. I don't know, people usually are shocked by this

Favorite animal:
Horses, Chickens and Ducks

Likes; horseback riding, sleeping, video gaming, talking

Dislikes; Working, Rude people, Reptiles, my anxiety.

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#99397 Posted on 2017-04-02 07:34:24

How did you get your usename? I don't really remember, I'm guessing it had to do with my emo stag everything dark and mysterious I basically worshiped :P that and I love storms
Any other usernames in the past? if you mean on this game then no but I've played a few other games similar to this and those usernames where Bloodmoon, black death and white fang.
Kid or adult? I'm classified as an adult but I've been told I can act childish so both
Favorite Color: black forever and always
Gender: girl but I get mistaken as a guy at times
Favorite animal: wolves, big cats and horses in that order
Likes/dislikes: their are a lot of thing I dislike so I'll only name a few rude people, the outside world (who needs outside when you have the internet), and the heat. I like the cold, being indoors, hanging with friends and thunder storms

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