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semi-inacive.- sorry

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semi-inacive.- sorry

#98972 Posted on 2017-03-29 09:43:41

Lately I haven't been very active, and haven't been able to be on accept a little while before work and during breaks on my phone. My allergy medication wipes me out as soon as I get home, so I haven't really had much time to do anything but go to work, take care of myself, and sleep. I'm going to take my sale horses off of sales, and lock them for now. Sorry for any inconvenience. You can still pm me offers, but I don't have time to scout bidders on my horses. Like I said, sorry for any inconvenience. I should be better and back on after Easter (when all the lilies are gone.) (I'm allergic to the pollen of flowers in the lily family, the only medications that help is a saline that dehydrates me for the day and gives me side-aches, and a medication that puts me to sleep at night. Otherwise I look like a sneezey snot falls with slightly puffy eyes.)

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