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The Coding Club

#98894 Posted on 2017-03-28 03:46:52

Hello world!

This is the official club thread for The Coding Club. We are a club for both beginner and experienced coders, the artists who work with them, and anyone who has any interest in coding. The club is designed to serve as a hub of information for coding on EV, and a place where people can share advice, ask for help, and show off their work. One of the main features of the club is our regular newsletters containing coding tutorials, tips and tricks, and other useful details.

Please feel free to use this thread for any club-related discussion, suggestions, feedback, questions, etc, or just general coding-related chatter.

Featured discussion topics
- What articles or tutorial topics would you like to see?
- Ideas for other things the club could do?
- Would anyone be interested in producing an article of their own?

Last edited on 2017-04-30 at 23:18:50 by UlyssesBlue

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#99134 Posted on 2017-03-30 19:08:05

Hey Ulysses! I'm looking forward to your articles on layouts. I can help with info on BBCode and more advanced stuff (JavaScript, Java, etc.) if people are interested in that.

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#99144 Posted on 2017-03-30 21:27:10

Thanks SueHeck! I wasn't planning to do much on the topic of JavaScript as the plan is just to focus on coding in the context of EV, and player-made JavaScript is disabled on the site. I do however use it in some off-site tools I've made for EV, such as the foal genotype calculator, and the layout generator, so I thought I'd do something on just the sort of things it's capable of, using them as EV-related examples, and link to w3schools if people want to learn that stuff. I'd be happy to hear your ideas though, and you could perhaps be one of our guest writers if you like.

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#100526 Posted on 2017-04-09 21:22:52

Just a list of some upcoming tutorials, so you guys know what to expect, and I have a reminder. Order may be shuffled about.

- Layout dimensions (widths and heights of important elements)
- BBCode
- basic HTML (mostly same things as BBCode reference)
- alignment tips and tricks in art
- padding
- horizontal and vertical space
- guest writers - brief description of things they've coded for EV, e.g. programs, spreadsheets, etc.

Does anyone have some ideas for other things to add to this list?

For the article(s) by guest writers, it will essentially be exploring a range of different programming languages and environments, and how they've been used by players in the context of EV, so as part of this I'm looking to hear from anyone who has coded any sort of tool (etc) for use with EV. You'll just need to write a paragraph or two explaining what you made, what it does, what language it's written in, maybe a basic overview of how it works, and anything else you think is relevant. Maybe a screenshot of it's front end, or something? No need to share the code itself though. This could be something like a spreadsheet you've put together to calculate breeding outcomes, or some javascript functions used offsite (my foal genotype calculator and layout generator will get a mention as part of this). The only requirement is that it needs to be at least vaguely EV related. Being horse or breeding related will suffice, even if it's not specifically designed for EV. If you've got an idea of something to contribute either comment on this thread or send a message to my main account. I'd love to hear from you.

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UlyssesBlue (spare)

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#100616 Posted on 2017-04-10 19:25:03

Omg I made a whole Java program of little tools for EV. I could definitely write a few paragraphs about it.

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#100633 Posted on 2017-04-10 22:56:07

That would be awesome! I can't wait to hear about it. :D

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#101730 Posted on 2017-04-18 22:10:10

Latest tutorial is online! This one covers how to produce horizontal or vertical spaces in text, and what purposes and applications each method is most suited for.

Hope you guys like it. If you have any feedback, corrections, suggestions, etc, please don't hesitate to let me know. :)

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#103029 Posted on 2017-04-30 23:38:11

New tutorial is online. This one is just a simple resource listing the BBCode that is available on EV. Please note that there's a small error in the first table: where it lists the code for italic text it also shows /td> after it, which should not be there (I'm missing a < in my code).

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#104047 Posted on 2017-05-07 15:05:18

Something I just learned today when I made birthday posts: the tag to make a link to a member doesn't work in this new BBCode! It looked fine when I previewed the post but after I posted, the tags were showing instead of the members' names.

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#104084 Posted on 2017-05-07 20:23:13

^ Yeah, there's a few bugs left to be ironed out under the new system. I understand Abbey's still working on things. I'm planning on creating a part 2 to my bbcode tutorial to cover all the new code we got, but i'm holding off until everything has settled down a bit.

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#106987 Posted on 2017-05-30 18:22:08

New tutorial is up.
This one covers layout art, so while it isn't directly related to coding, they're often closely related as how you set up text boxes and such in your layout image influences how things must be coded. This tutorial gives you a few quick and simple methods to ensure alignment is precise, which makes things both look better, and makes it easier to code.

Last edited on 2017-05-30 at 20:25:05 by UlyssesBlue

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#106999 Posted on 2017-05-30 20:17:20

The link doesn't work

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#107000 Posted on 2017-05-30 20:25:33

Oops, sorry. Should be fixed now. :P

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#125537 Posted on 2017-10-25 13:47:30


I have a question on EV coding. (I'm buying a month's deluxe account very soon.) How do I code an image over the top banner on my page? What's the exact code for it? The usual text box code or something else? How can I use CSS to change the page's colors and text styles?

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#125570 Posted on 2017-10-25 21:12:56

#banner_winter {
background: url('BANNERURL');
height: 200px;

#banner_spring {
background: url('BANNERURL');
height: 200px;

#banner_summer {
background: url('BANNERURL');
height: 200px;

#banner_autumn {
background: url('BANNERURL');
height: 200px;

OR to overlay your own banner (so if it's transparent it'll show the ev banner through it - see my page for example)...

#banner_winter {
background: url('BANNERURL'), url('/img/layout/top_winter.jpg');
height: 200px;

#banner_spring {
background: url('BANNERURL'), url('/img/layout/top_spring.jpg');
height: 200px;

#banner_summer {
background: url('BANNERURL'), url('/img/layout/top_summer.jpg');
height: 200px;

#banner_autumn {
background: url('BANNERURL'), url('/img/layout/top_autumn.jpg');
height: 200px;

(Code needs to be placed between style tags... <*style*> {code here} <*/style*> without the *s.

Last edited on 2017-10-25 at 21:13:54 by Almárë

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