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Grades and Stats per Division

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Grades and Stats per Division

#96348 Posted on 2017-03-04 21:13:19

I've created a journal page for my own recordkeeping/pleasure on the different grade levels and the stats required to get there. However, this information isn't posted anywhere so it's mainly been research and observation.

Is anyone able to confirm or check over the information I have regarding the National and International divisions. I would greatly appreciate it.

Here is what I've filled in so far, and feel free to copy it for your own use if need be.

N1 = 100-149
N2 = 150-199
N3 = 200-249
N4 = 250-299
N5 = 300-349

L1 = 350-399
L2 = 400-449
L3 = 450-499
L4 = 500-549
L5 = 550-599

R1 = 600-699
R2 = 700-799
R3 = 800-899
R4 = 900-999
R5 = 1000-1099

Na1 = 1100-1299
Na2 = 1300-1499
Na3 = 1500-1699
Na4 = 1700-1899
Na5 = 1900-2099

I1 = 2100-2499
I2 = 2500-3099
I3 = 3100-3685
I4 =
I5 =

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#96380 Posted on 2017-03-05 08:58:17

I made something similar here a long while ago. They should put it in the FAQ or something

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✎ Jezarae

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