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IOS cape addon

ForumsLooking For... → IOS cape addon

IOS cape addon

#94586 Posted on 2017-02-22 01:14:03

As I've told some people, I've been saving up for a big project, and here it is...

This might seem random, but I've been wanting a character with a (Grecian inspired) cape for a while now. However, my art skills are not talented enough to make a cape for my character, which leaves me here, looking for someone to do it for me. Now, I'm still trying to decide what color (I'm thinking either a green, sea green, pale blue, or just white), but would know before I had it made, of course. If you only wish to do the lines, I can do the coloring myself. If anyone is interested in doing this for me, please post your price, and examples of your addons/artwork below. It can have the same sort of flat shading my character has. If necessary, it can only be one side of the ref (I was planning to keep the original as a way of showing what she looks like without addons, but it could that one side shows addons, and the other doesn't. I will most likely add on a head piece myself. Of course, you would be referenced for the cape)

Ps. It would be much appreciated if you would be willing to take some of the payment in credits, as it will probably be the only way I can afford this....(puppydog face)

This is the character I would like the cape added too.

Last edited on 2017-02-22 at 01:21:12 by SilverWolves

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#94631 Posted on 2017-02-22 10:36:16

I could do it. Pm me and we can work out pricing or something :P

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