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Account pages?

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Account pages?

#94471 Posted on 2017-02-21 13:23:36

Hey so I'm curious as to what we are and aren't allowed to share on our account pages? I know that personal info, inappropriate comments and stuff aren't allowed, but anything else? I don't want to find myself in trouble unnecessarily...

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Cheriton Arabians

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#94547 Posted on 2017-02-21 18:53:17

The game Terms of Service addresses things players are and aren't allowed to do on site, which would apply to account pages as well. In addition to the obvious stuff you mentioned, player pages may not include public blacklists, swearing or discriminatory language, discussion of other browser games, images that infringe copyright, and possibly a few other things I've overlooked. I recommend reading through the TOS for a full list, or messaging a mod if there's something specific you're not sure about.

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UlyssesBlue (spare)

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