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Statistics/Specialty Help Me Please?

ForumsEquiverse Chat → Statistics/Specialty Help Me Please?

Statistics/Specialty Help Me Please?

#91506 Posted on 2017-02-07 02:13:41

I am sooooo new. I started playing yesterday. I am just not getting the way we are supposed to place horses in specialties by stats? I've been doing it by RL horse abilities and now I think I messed up all my horses. I don't know which specialties need what higher stats to place my horses correctly and I cant find the info anywhere:( Any help would be great!!! Thanks

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#91507 Posted on 2017-02-07 02:19:03

here is the chart that shows disciplines and which stats go together :)

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C.razy A.ngel

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#91509 Posted on 2017-02-07 02:24:14

That is awesome! Thank you so much!

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