ISO pixel artist for 3 pons
ISO pixel artist for 3 pons |
#88592 Posted on 2017-01-22 01:31:25
I really want animated sprites of my 3 babes to put on my page.
By animated, I mean i just want them to move up and down similar to how the legs are here (im struggling to find a better example). If that can't be done then I'm cool with static too :) I just wanted them to be EXTRA cool.
heres my pons + a lil tidbit:
•Modoc-(i need to update his ref homeboy is looking ROUGH) Lipizzaner build, grumpy, would prefer his head held up and ears back (but not pinned)
•Tenbrae-TB build, anger fluff. Would prefer her to be rearing/bucking/full gallop pose
•Fatalem- heavy warmblood/light draft build, a lil dopey, cute but low-energy.
(they all have older refs i can dig up that show all markings)
please give me a few examples of your work and prices! :) I'm very flexible on this project!!! Even if you do pixel tags I would be interested in seeing just in case this falls through
Last edited on 2017-01-22 at 01:32:35 by pommatre
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