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So many horses... what to choose?

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So many horses... what to choose?

#86711 Posted on 2017-01-09 17:02:55

So as of right now I breed Arabians and Thoroughbreds. Seeing as my really horse is an Arabian, I don't want to ditch that breed. I'm kind of on the line about TB's though. I want to know what I should breed instead of TB's (btw if you want to offer a price on one of the 3, just mail me.)
Breeds I Don't Like and Will Not Breed
Quarter Horses
Shetland Ponies

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#86722 Posted on 2017-01-09 17:19:43

If you want to stick with another sport horse, Trakehners are pretty awesome, and they offer more colors than the TB or DWs.

But since you've been focusing on horses with limited colors, breeds like Appaloosa and Paints and Minis would give you a lot more options. I just got into Appaloosas myself because I like their art and variety.

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#86726 Posted on 2017-01-09 17:22:02

Since I've already had a HUGE line of Minis and Trakehners, I like your idea about DW's! I'll start looking into adopting a couple... thanks again!

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