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how to bred sooty Akhal-tekes?

ForumsEquiverse Chat → how to bred sooty Akhal-tekes?

how to bred sooty Akhal-tekes?

#86611 Posted on 2017-01-09 10:54:08

I'm not sure of the genetic code. How could I breed for the best chance of a sooty from a non-sooty mare? My mares are stysty, I that non-sooty not carrying sooty?

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#86615 Posted on 2017-01-09 11:15:40

stysty = Non-sooty, not carrying

STYsty= Sooty, carrying 1 gene for non-sooty, 1 gene for sooty

STYSTY= Sooty with 100% chance of sooty baby

However, STYSTY is rare for Akhal-Tekes {only 3 in the game}. So breeding your mare to an STYsty will have the following chancee;

50% STYsty
50% stysty

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#90461 Posted on 2017-02-01 10:42:08

Thanks for the info gene codes are so confusing haha

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