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#85041 Posted on 2017-01-03 13:23:14

So I'm wondering does anyone have a gelding army? I see them for sale all the time and wonder who would buy them. So does anyone keep ones that do well in shows or anything? Is it possible to make money off them(not buy selling them)? So does anyone have keep a herd of geldings and keep good records? So I'm thinking about doing some sort of project.

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#85043 Posted on 2017-01-03 13:29:58

I don't keep any myself, but they are great for filling up slots to just add into riding schools for money and feed the most unwanted treats (sounds kind of bad when I say it outloud). Its a way to have a prettier money making herd that you don't have to treat and train, rather than the normal boring coats of getting rc horses

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#85047 Posted on 2017-01-03 13:45:34

I used to get the arab geldings out of the rc just because they had high stats and therefore would show very well. money makers, not baby makers c;

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#85056 Posted on 2017-01-03 14:00:26

So baseline prices to own a horse for 21 weeks.
$0000 - Buying price
$2100 - Vet
$2100 - Farrier
$210 - Stabling at $10/week
$5880 - Treats $40 per use
$147 - Feed daily
$7000 - Tack(not really sure on this one)
$5880 - Training (SueHeck)

So I am at $17,437. New total : $23,317

I'm not a math expert and did I forget any other expenses?

Now adding on showing every day 10 shows(cheapest price) $200x7days=1400
$26,600 for 19 yrs

Edit to add: Pricings from SueHeck( 1/3rd of its life in Novice, 1/3 in Local, 1/3 in Regional (so a minimum estimate basically) it adds $5880)

So to make a profit showing any horse you have to win over $49,917 (without training would be 44,037)

Last edited on 2017-01-03 at 17:33:31 by Aprilis

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#85067 Posted on 2017-01-03 14:24:33

I like to keep a few. They're good show horses, even if they can't breed. And generally they earn enough while showing to earn their keep. My gelding division has 8 geldings right now as well as a mare I'll never breed. I tend to go through shows with them and try to help fill in shows that haven't met the 5 entry minimum yet to help people out.

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#85073 Posted on 2017-01-03 14:34:24

Wicked: So you prefer showing to riding schools? Are they horses you've decided to geld or did you buy them? I have issues with my horses placing in shows because they have to many non-specialty stats. Do you just change the specialty in that case since well it is a gelding?

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#85083 Posted on 2017-01-03 15:05:21

I use them to make extra money from showing and riding school. Going off your pricing it costs $4347...I have my own stable so no boarding fees, tack I already have a ton of, and treats I get more than enough of through riding school so no cost there. You did leave out training, just estimating 1/3rd of its life in Novice, 1/3 in Local, 1/3 in Regional (so a minimum estimate basically) it adds $5880 which is $10,227 total. My gelding Diesel Tuxedo has made $23,531 and is only 11. Definitely bringing in a profit!

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#85084 Posted on 2017-01-03 15:06:13

Aprilis, if you only ise the geldings for the riding school take out the treats and the tack. That's under $5,000 per gelding. Assume doing private lessons at 40/hr for 10 hours (400) minus the 40 fee, that is $360/day. $2520 /week. 18 years of riding school ar 2520 a week = $45,360 made in a lifetime per gelding. So a little over 40k of profit per gelding over its lifetime. They pay off :)

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#85095 Posted on 2017-01-03 15:32:29

That's very helpful Ducky. Thanks!

SueHeck: You have any idea what your avg. entry fee for showing is? So assuming an absolute low of $200 a day for 7 days, thats 1400. Since he is 11 yrs that is 9 yrs of showing. Which would be 12.6k. Or you could assume that is was the most expensive shows which would be $1000 per day, 7k a week x 9 yrs would be 63k. So do you always enter the cheapest show or the one with the most entries(I'm assuming that to be the second most common)? So with you baseline of 10k plus 12.6k showing for 9 yrs that would be a cost of 22.6k and your horse has made 23k, so maybe you don't enter shows every day? And that is how you make your profit? Please let me know if my math is wrong.

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#85101 Posted on 2017-01-03 15:46:59

Yep, I always do the geldings in shows, pretty much. Not really sure if it's more profitable, but like I said I like to fill up classes that need it.

I have both horses I bought as geldings and ones I gelded myself. With the exception of about 2, they all have their stats in specialty, so I haven't had to convert any. Of the exceptions, one was just bred badly so there's no helping that. The other one I just bought recently and it looks like he's just been treated poorly (as in given poor treat choices) so his stats are all over the place. I literally just bought him because some classes my horses were in needed to hit the 5 marker and I purposely wanted him to do badly so he wouldn't compete with my others. xD I'm not going to bother converting him since I might need him as a filler again.

This is my breakdown of my geldings:

Copper: The one I mentioned above that I'm purposely using as a crap show horse.
Two to Tango: I created him myself when I was making a Trakehner foundie herd, and he didn't have good enough confo for me to want to use him for breeding, plus he's gray. But I like watching black turn gray because it's pretty, so I just gelded him and kept him for showing. He's been a pretty decent show horse.
Fancy That: I'm pretty sure I adopted him from the RC as a gelding but I don't remember for sure. He's been great for showing, especially since he's in driving, and none of my other horses are in driving so he's not competing with mine. xD He turns 7 tomorrow and he's got 93 first places, 44 seconds, 34 thirds, with all time winnings at $14,679. So I'd say he's been profitable. (:
Hacksaw: Pretty sure I also got him from the RC as a gelding. He turns 7 tomorrow also and his winnings are at almost $9k.
Got A Spell On You: I bought this guy when I was newer to the game. I actually just gelded him a couple days ago because I was going through my herd and cutting a few out. I just didn't feel like his stats were high enough for how long his pedigree is. And he's got one non-specialty stat that's a little high thanks to bad breeding. But I figured he could stick around as a filler.
Hard on the Rocks: Exact same story as Spell above, but his stats are more as they should be, so he'll probably be better at showing in the long run.
Moon Struck: She's the only girl in the group. She was probably the first or second horse I ever bought on the game, and I bought her because she's pretty. But her stats were bred horribly and she's never shown well, hence why she's 14 years old with only 300 stats. But she's still pretty, so I kept her even though I'll never breed her.
Intense Suspense: Bought as a gelding. He's in Regional so he's pretty profitable, with all time earnings at $23k right now.
The Crusades: Bought around the same time as Intense Suspense and a third who recently died of old age. All three were bought as geldings. Crusades also is Regional but he's never been a big earner since his non-specialty stats are a little higher (though not outrageously). He's definitely been more of a filler.

I think in the long run almost all of them will pass the $17k estimate you gave, if they haven't already. I don't remember for all of them, but I think most were cheap to buy. I think after going through all of them just now, at least a few would be better in the riding school, so I might start doing that with some. xD

Last edited on 2017-01-03 at 15:48:54 by Wicked

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#85104 Posted on 2017-01-03 16:00:53

Wicked: ....How can you tell when some of your shows haven't run yet? lol Thank you for taking the time to spend your reasonings with me. :)

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#85106 Posted on 2017-01-03 16:03:54

o.0 How can I tell what? xD

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#85107 Posted on 2017-01-03 16:06:32

I guess I jumped and made the conclusion that a show won't run until it has 5 entries even if the time does run out. Is that not the case? and they all run in 24hrs whether anyone enters or not? So where does this 5 entries come from?

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#85108 Posted on 2017-01-03 16:09:57

All of them run after 24 hours no matter what, yes. But 5 entries is the minimum number of entries needed in order for anybody to be able to earn stats from placing. So if a show runs with 4 or less entries, nobody will earn stats regardless of how they place. So by filling a show to 5 entries I mean I'm trying to make sure that when the show runs, people will be able to earn stats from it. (:

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#85112 Posted on 2017-01-03 16:27:54

I keep a small group of geldings, most are horses related to my own lines which will compete well but which I don't want to breed. I more or less gelded them to remind myself never to breed them. My best has made over 75k in shows, so definitely worth it.

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