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Geld or Sell?

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Geld or Sell?

#84915 Posted on 2017-01-02 23:37:31

So, some of my foundations have had their foals (yay), my first foals from my own line. I'm not sure if I should sell the foals I don't want or just geld them. I don't want my line to become over bred, but it would seem like a waste of decent foals to just geld them. So I'm wondering what some of the players who have been here longer would do, in my circumstances?

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#84917 Posted on 2017-01-02 23:54:28

i usually sell but thats just me and i dont care really.


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#84919 Posted on 2017-01-03 00:01:39

I used to keep mine very closed - but then I thought why? Half the fun of this game is sharing with other players!
Now I'm quite proud to see other people's beloved and well looked after ponies sharing my lineage ♥ I say go for it.

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#84921 Posted on 2017-01-03 00:34:21

For me it depends on number of breedings. If it's 2 or 3, I'll sell one or two sets and keep one. If I end up with more (I have a habit of buying nice horses and any of their foals/parents available to hoard the lines) I can geld foals that we're bred early and retire them young to avoid them spreading their genes widely.

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#84929 Posted on 2017-01-03 02:02:26

I breed my horses at later ages, and breed up to four times (I have a habit of hitting the low end of the gene pool, and a 75% chance of getting the at gene, I got it 25% of the time, with one horse, and not at all with another)

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#84940 Posted on 2017-01-03 06:12:24

I used to keep my lines very closed; but then I sold some foals and a few got way over-bred. At which point I sold a majority of that original line and restarted, however I have opened my new lines straight from the start selling 1-2 foals from every pair, I typically sell the lower confo or less beautifully colored horse from my pairings. I feel that if everyone keeps their lines very closed (like I admittedly used to do) the horse market will never be able to improve.

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#85010 Posted on 2017-01-03 11:32:11

i almost always sell spares, and i enjoy seeing their offspring.

i've been gelding the spares from my conformation line and dropping them in the RC for the most part. They aren't especially high quality horses (low stats), so i'd rather not see them reproduce if they aren't boosted significantly in stats by that time. Gelding them means i don't have to worry about it.

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