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costs more to show novice horses than national

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costs more to show novice horses than national

#84797 Posted on 2017-01-02 12:22:42

so i know this has been discussed before because i took part in that discussion at the time
but i just noticed it happening again so i'm miffed and want to complain.

so, today, i went through the motions and auto-showed all my horses.
that's about 20 horses in total.
always using the "cheapest shows" option.

and noticed that it cost me $1,000 each to show my novice ranked 3 year olds.
but it only cost (i think) $200 to show my nationally ranked horses.

i know it has to do with times you show and all.
i usually enter shows in the early morning (7 or 8 am)
and get by with spending $200 per horse, no matter the rank.

today, i didn't do it in the morning and did it just now (about 2 pm)
so i think there's more traffic on the website and more people creating shows.

but it's just kind of annoying that it's more expensive to show my lower horses than my higher ones.

so that's my complaint for the day.

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#84800 Posted on 2017-01-02 12:36:56

You could always create the cheaper shows, and enter those. Or sometimes post on the boards for someone to make lower priced shows in a certain grade. I personally set my show prices at at least $55 and up, no matter the grade, because I enter my own horses in them and it helps from them being flooded with entries. I'm still profiting from them, because I show horses near the top of their grade level, and get more wins.

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#84804 Posted on 2017-01-02 12:49:58

Looks like you got stuck in at least a few of mine, and I do the same thing now as Nittrous where I make high fees to keep entries low. Each of mine cost $100 to enter. Unfortunately it looks like mine must have been the only other ones made at the time.

You just had rotten luck/timing, unfortunately. Not enough other shows were around.

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#84822 Posted on 2017-01-02 14:08:10

Would be more concerned if it was a regularly occurring thing, as in you struggled to enter cheap shows no matter what time of day for at least a week. One day isn't that much of a hit, especially if you're still profiting in shows. You're not the only one that will be paying more for the show entry, everyone else is in the same boat.

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#84823 Posted on 2017-01-02 14:15:50

I've seen this happening more frequently. My concern is more for newer players. Most aren't Deluxe so they can't make lower priced shows for themselves. Many also don't have a lot of funds nor do they normally have horses that are top in their grade who bring in sizable winnings. I've raised my show fees a bit to help cover my increased costs but I still tried to keep them new player manageable. My fees are $25 for Novice/Local & $30 for Regional and above.

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#84903 Posted on 2017-01-02 21:30:38

I have found the same thing in N2 western their few shows under fifty and a lot shows a hundred dollars a pop. I have made five shows a day in that section but even entering only in those shows they fill up fast and if you don't have upgraded equipment (which I cannot do yet) your horse does not win. It should be the opposite novice shows should be cheaper and higher rankings ones should be more money.

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#84906 Posted on 2017-01-02 22:04:12

Well, you can't tell people what to charge for their shows. Regardless of how much you feel shows should cost, other people do not have to follow those guidelines.

Other players are not responsible for providing for your showing needs. They have their own horses to worry about. And part of being new is not being at the advantage. While there are tons of people here willing to help new players, not everything just gets handed to you when you first join the game. Everyone has gone through a period where their horses weren't as competitive, but it doesn't last.

We're just getting past winter holidays. A lot of players have probably been taking time off, so the amount of shows being created have probably gone down. I've definitely noticed less to choose from also, hence why I make my own. But hopefully things will pick back up.

I'm more than happy to help make shows when I can, but I have around 200 horses to hand show everyday and they come first. I usually max out my shows just having to accommodate my kiddos. But I'll try to use my spare accounts to create more, since I usually have those upgraded to deluxe to be able to make layouts.

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#85055 Posted on 2017-01-03 13:56:27

If your horses are winning, then you'll be making more money. So at least there's that.

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