Reset newsletter limit for each presidency
Reset newsletter limit for each presidency |
#84721 Posted on 2017-01-02 04:14:18
So I'm the GV club president for this month, and a minor issue has been bugging me.
The previous president posted a newsletter on the 31st of December. There's a minimum three-day waiting period for each newsletter to come out. So I won't be able to post my newsletter until the 3rd of January, which is annoying since the post is already written out on a word document. I've had to delay the deadlines for contest entries, so people get less time to complete the contests.
I'd like it if at the start of each presidency, the previous countdown is forgotten so that the new president can immediately post a newsletter, without having to wait for the previous president's cooldown period.
Last edited on 2023-03-30 at 01:30:40 by Ж wox
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