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#84696 Posted on 2017-01-02 00:02:23

:/ :/ :/ :/ :/

Last edited on 2017-01-02 at 02:32:20 by Glitch

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#84709 Posted on 2017-01-02 02:31:03

decent number of people complaining about the economy

why would we want to bring up another thread that will lead to more complaints/arguments?

These threads usually bring out the worst in us, whether we mean to or not. :/
you've got two sides to a story here, two different teams, its like gathering hardcore star trek and star wars fans and asking which was better. u_u

then you have the little group who literally have no idea what's going on here. x3


though, i would too love to know why credits are suddenly so damned expensive .___.

(dont take any of this in a bad tone, its a genuine interest with how we know how this could turn out, with negativity, and such) ^^ I mean no harm , really

Last edited on 2017-01-02 at 02:31:58 by Darth Potato Ren

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