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when you procrastinate [pairing help needed]

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when you procrastinate [pairing help needed]

#84578 Posted on 2017-01-01 12:17:04

I may or may not have procrastinate pairing my Dutch Warmbloods and now, they are nearing breeding age, I have no clue who to breed with who. This is also my first time raising a foundation line and then, with the goal of breeding them. So, I am kind of overwhelmed.

I started a google sheet and wrote out all their information; conformation, genotype, and current stats. From that I calculated the chance each horse had of either producing bay, black, or chestnut. Since, one of my breeding goals, is to produce black and chestnut over bay. Along with passing on body markings, roan or tobiano, and maintaining or improving conformation. I always would like to produce the highest stat foals possible but, once again, don't know how to pair my horses: highest stats with lowest stats? Horses with similar stats?

It did not help much, and I just can't agree with myself who to pair with who.

Would anyone be willing to help me? I could share my spreadsheet with you, if that helps. On top of that, any and all advice is definitely welcomed.

EDIT: link to google sheet

Last edited on 2017-01-01 at 12:19:26 by ιlѕa

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#84607 Posted on 2017-01-01 14:45:16

I'd be glad to help!
That said, you might need to pick the order of priority with color, stats, and conformation for me to know where to start :p

When it comes to stats, I personally pay no attention when pairing them up. That's not to say that stats aren't important to me, just that it doesn't matter so much that i get one or two really high stat foals out of the herd compared to a broader range of stats in the whole foal herd. The way i think of it is: all these horses are being bred down to one "goal" horse. All their stats will eventually contribute to a single horse, so why bother pairing them to get higher stat foals in the second or third generation? Especially when you can prioritize things like color and conformation instead.

You could fairly easily prioritize breeding out the bay in your herd (though you'll still probably have a handful in the second gen!) because all your foundies have pretty good confo already.

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#84616 Posted on 2017-01-01 15:08:20

Thank you! c:

Okay, well that definitely makes more sense! That information, your points, help clear the confusion. I was kind of getting overwhelmed with all the details I had to keep up with and all the traits I wanted to either improve or produce.

Considering that then, let's focus on color. I totally understand (and suspected) about having some bays in the next generation; I don't mind at all. But besides those few, I would definitely like to get some more chestnuts and blacks. Also, on top of that, half my horses have markings, so I would like--if possible--for those with markings to be paired with those without. But, once again, I am fine with some exemptions.

One more thing, is there a point to breeding more than once? I was thinking of breeding them twice (so then I could pick the best foal from each pair), but I don't exactly know if I should. Especially because I don't want to have on overload of foals and then get attached to them all. I probably wouldn't sell them, either.

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#84626 Posted on 2017-01-01 16:06:53

I can totally go with color then, and i'm assuming you also want conformation prioritized too? The pairs will probably end up being fairly similar either way.

Opinions of breeding multiple times varies by player. The large majority of stat-focused players prefer fewer breedings, usually one or two. Sometimes players breed multiple times in an attempt to get better color/conformation the second time and then sell the extra foal. There's no need to breed twice if you don't want to!

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#84628 Posted on 2017-01-01 16:11:45

Yes. I would like conformation to be considered as well.

And I see. I'll just have to think on it more before deciding how many times I breed. Though, I'll probably just breed around nineteen and if I'm happy with the foals, not breed again. But, just in case, I have enough time to breed again if needed.

And thank you, again! I really appreciate the help.

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#84634 Posted on 2017-01-01 16:39:34

Alrighty, so as I'm looking more closely at all of them, i see you're going to have a lot of bay. like a ton, and it's pretty unavoidable given all the AA horses you've got.

i'd love to be able to tell you that you can equalize prioritize color and confo and get the same breeding pairs regardless, but now that i'm actually doing it, it seems like it's going to be difficult. If you had to choose: would you rather have the least amount of bay horses in the second generation OR would you like the best conformation pairs regardless of base color (while also doing the best to prevent bay 3rd gens)?

Also, you're quit welcome - i love doing these sorts of things. it's like an EV puzzle :P

Last edited on 2017-01-01 at 16:47:16 by ᴋᴀʜᴢɪᴇ ɪ

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#84636 Posted on 2017-01-01 16:49:33

Um, well, that's a pretty hard choice. But considering everything, let's just focus on color then.

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#84637 Posted on 2017-01-01 17:00:29

alrighty! that i can do :)

and yes, it's a hard choice! sometimes i'm glad my arabians have such few color options. I can't imagine having to take into account all the different variations. PLus with the dutch warmbloods their markings are even more complex :P

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#84642 Posted on 2017-01-01 17:25:37

here we go!
i included possible colors/patterns from each pair
no pair has poor matching with each other, so you'll avoid any awfuls, but might end up with a few more poors in the second gen's confo than you mgiht have if you'd solely focused on conformation. (I don't blame you for going for color though - you'll have to look at them for a long time! :P)

Majorca (Ee aa RnRn) x Blue Jacaranda (Ee AA) *
- Foal will definitely be Roan
- 25% chance of chestnut
- 75% chance of bay

Cyros (Ee aa Gg) x Mona Lavender (EE AA RnRn) *
- Foal will definitely be Roan
- 100% chance of bay (50% chance of Ee)
- 50% chance of gray

Cyprus (Ee AA RnRn) x Begonia Fairlady (EE AA TT) *
- Foal will definitely be tobiano roan
- 100% chance of bay (50% chance of Ee)

Brava (Ee AA) x Solandra Maxima (Ee AA RnRn) *
- Foal will definitely be Roan
- 25% chance of chestnut
- 75% chance of bay

Cerralvo (EE AA RnT) x Black Viola (Ee aa Gg) *
- 50% chance of chestnut
- 50% chance of bay
- 50% chance of tobiano
- 50% chance of roan
- 50% chance of gray

Damas (Ee AA RnT) x Decorative Dahlia (Ee AA GG) *
- Foal will definitely be gray
- 25% chance chestnut
- 75% chance of bay
- 50% chance of tobiano
- 50% chance of roan

Thasos (ee AA T+) x Annual Delphinium (Ee Aa) *
- 50% chance of chestnut
- 50% chance of bay
- 50% chance of tobiano

Crete (ee AA Gg) x Oriental Lily (Ee AA RnT) *
- 50% chance of bay
- 50% chance of chestnut
- 50% chance of tobiano
- 50% chance of roan
- 50% chance of gray

Pairs with a * behind them are prime candidates for multiple breedings in order to get the genetics you want.
if you want me to elaborate on this, I can, but I don’t want to presume you don’t know genetics!

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#84644 Posted on 2017-01-01 17:45:01

Thank you so much! That definitely takes care of matters.

And I understand about the conformation. As long as there are no awful ratings, I'm happy. Also, if I understand correctly, it doesn't affect anything, right?

I have an okay understanding of genetics, at least I think so. So I understand about the multiple breedings to get the outcome I want. I'll definitely be breeding them twice than, considering that most pairs favor the chance of bay.

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