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Riding Schools?

ForumsEquiverse Chat → Riding Schools?

Riding Schools?

#84368 Posted on 2016-12-31 11:23:44

Looking through various player's herds, I see mention of their horses going to riding school, yet I can't seem to find this option? Is it only available to deluxe members or do I need to be a higher level? I would love to set up a breeding herd but showing them all just won't be possible or even worth it in some cases.

Anyone willing to share some info?

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#84371 Posted on 2016-12-31 11:33:52

as far as i know you dont have to be a certain level. if you go to stable serch there is a second menu on the right of the screen that says "riding school" or something along those lines. search for the specialty (dressage, show jumping, endurance, western, racing,driving) and choose one of the riding schools. from there it kinda shows you how to sign up one of your horses for class.

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#84372 Posted on 2016-12-31 11:35:59

Only deluxe members can own their own riding schools, but basic members can still send their horses to riding schools. To put your horses in lessons, you go to town, then click 'search stables'. Next to the bit where you search for stables, you can search for riding schools. So yeah :) hope this helps!

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#84402 Posted on 2016-12-31 14:08:26

Thank you so much guys, I didn't even think to check there.

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