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Confo Help: Pair My Foundies (DWB)

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Confo Help: Pair My Foundies (DWB)

#83766 Posted on 2016-12-29 09:12:41

Hello all!

Some of you are very intense in your Foundation Horse breeding programs, and have become very skilled at picking out pairs to increase conformation in store horses. I'd like your help to select pairs from my Foundation herd, located here:

Norse Foundation Lines

I'll probably be breeding each pair 2-3 times and keeping the highest conformation foal from each.

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#83774 Posted on 2016-12-29 09:24:56

i can!
it might take a bit, but i've got nothing going on this morning :p

edit to add: i noticed you have an overabundance of mares, so I'm assuming you're fine with using loki's daggers on them and am pairing them up regardless of gender, focusing solely on confo scores

Last edited on 2016-12-29 at 09:48:36 by ᴋᴀʜᴢɪᴇ ɪ

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#83789 Posted on 2016-12-29 09:53:45

alrighty! so your best best for improving conformation and eliminating "poors" are the following pairs:

Mimir + Nerthus
Askr + Albaz
Sigurdrifa + Fenrir
Huginn + Ansuz
Seidr + Munnin
Vottir + Reudigni
Embla + Embla
Asynja + Vidarr

if you want to know the method i used:
1. take the name of the horse and C+P their confo scores into a word document, sorting them from most to least poors.
2. change the font color on all poors to bold red to see them easier, and change all goods that are above 65 to bold green.
3. starting at the top of the list, pair lowest reds to highest possible greens
4. if there aren't any that match up, pair to the best possible
5. cross your fingers and hope that your last three pairs don't match red-to-red (which they did'nt in your case!)
6. celebrate having not matched any poors to poors and get excited for the next generation!

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#83793 Posted on 2016-12-29 10:14:40

Woot! Thank you Kahzie!

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#83795 Posted on 2016-12-29 10:17:26

you're quite welcome!
i'm thus far pretty encouraged by my confo breeding program, even if i'm only on generation two!

it's also made me keep an eye on the RC, and i've been snapping up horses with 60+ confo even if they aren't any of my breeds. i never know when the project urge will come over me :P

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#83863 Posted on 2016-12-29 13:03:19

^Kahzie, I'm just letting you know I am going to copy and paste your approach, then send it to myself...I have never tried it that way, but it'd be a lot easier than I do. Thanks for sharing! :D

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#83864 Posted on 2016-12-29 13:04:22

Drat! I can't send it to myself! Can you please copy and paste it and send it to me in a message? :/

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#83874 Posted on 2016-12-29 13:15:55

done :)
message sent!

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#83879 Posted on 2016-12-29 13:19:33

Echoing that I do the EXACT same thing as Kahzie and have had some great results!

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#83880 Posted on 2016-12-29 13:22:43

Jumping in here too, definitely do the same thing to pair all my foundations to give them a boost! c:

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